Antares resin Luft 46 sets ... how are they?

Started by Gary F, January 19, 2011, 08:17:39 AM

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Gary F

  Anyone used any of the 48th scale Antares resin Luftwaffe 46 conversions?  How are they in finish and fit?

Gary F


I have got a1/72 he277 conversion that looks ok but yet to be used in anger, got enough of the rev ell kits to do it though

William in oz


I've got their Junkers EF-132 complete kit. Can't comment on the fit as I haven't built it yet, but the finish and detailing are excellent.


I am working on a 48 scale Ar 234 resin conversion to a fighter - has gun pods under each nacelle and a bigger gun pod under the fuselage - I haven't got to them yet but they seem okay.  The main difference is the conversion of the normal AR nose to a stepped nose (like a B17). The fit is a bit iffy but okay - lots of dry fitting.  Main poor fit is the wheel well - will have to put a strip of plastic-struct to cover "stuff".  Detail for cockpit is good.

I have had all plastic kits with poorer fit - and since I build a lot of 48 scale Luft46 (cut and shut work), this is no drama. 

Given the price of the Australian $$$ with the US, this is the best time to buy from Antares - I bought up several conversions a few years ago when the Aussie dollar was good but have no built any of it - its in the stash for my retirement in 5 years

hope this helps