
My entry...Focke-Wulf Ta 283

Started by matrixone, February 06, 2011, 01:47:53 PM

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Thanks Bernie and Doc Yo,

I was thinking about an Autum color pattern...a Hinterhalt style camo pattern with RLM 81, RLM 79, and panzer dark yellow. ;)

The landing gear design for this aircraft is poor and I can't see it working in real life, in model form its not much better, I am not looking forward to fitting the main wheels and landing gear doors because they look like they will be fiddly to work with.



Not much left to do on this one so this will be the final in-progress pic of this model.



The camo looks great and so does the paint chipping on the ram jets. I don't know how well this aircraft would have worked in real life, either. It was supposed to take off using a rocket engine (like the one used in the Me-163) until it was going fast enough to ignite the ramjets. But with the short landing gear, it would have required nothing but the best and smoothest runways both for takeoff and landings.


Thank you Frank,
The Ta 283 looks cool but it would have needed changes in the landing gear to be a worthwhile combat machine, also the long nose might have been a problem during air to air combat.
The Ta 183 was Focke-Wulfs best jet fighter design and the Ta 283 would have been a step backwards even though it was faster.
Actually the most sensable jet fighter design for Germany in 1945/46 was not a Focke-Wulf or Messerschmitt design, it was the Lippisch P 15 project Diana. The P 15 was not only airworthy with good performance but could have been easily mass produced very quickly because it used many aircraft parts that were already being built in Germany at that time. The He 162 was a death trap for its pilots if the engine ever quit, while the P 15 could have a safe dead stick landing wheels up or down because of its lighter wing loading and shape of the aircraft, the Me 163 proved this many times.



That looks so much better with it almost finished Matrixone.

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Thanks Gondor!

The flat clear coat is drying right now, after its dry I can paint the last few small details on it and add the canopy and its done!

It might be a few days before I can get any good pics of the model, its been raining a lot here the last few weeks making it tough to get outside and do things.



I think they look more like comic-book dialogue boxes, like for Batman--*POW!* *WHAM!*, etc.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Yes the camo pattern is a bit odd but I wanted something that would match the radical design of the aircraft and I succeeded in this. ;D
The usual splinter and mottles camouflage pattern has already been done before on models of this aircraft.
I have had some thoughts about building my Huma Triebflugel and I might go with this same camo pattern but add one more color to it.
