CH-46 Missile Platform Idea

Started by Cobra, March 16, 2011, 09:45:10 PM

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Hey Guys, i was looking through Google when an Idea came to Mind! What If the CH-46 were used as a Missile Launch Platform in Support of forces like the Marines(US,Dutch,Royal),Special Forces,Etc.? always wondered if anyone Even tested the CH-46 for carrying Missiles like Maverick,Hellfire,Etc.   What Say You? think it would work? think it might be a little too Gerry Anderson? thanks for looking.Dan


Dan, whether the idea has merit or not isn't really the case as there have been real-world examples of large gunship helos (ACH-47A) so extropolating that to a missile platform seems a logical extension.  Is it viable?  Who knows, but this is whif land, something that some people have seem to have forgotten as of late.




Plenty of space to add stub wings with pylons, an EO/laser designator turret under the chin, and slap a couple of gunpods on as well. Or even side-firing guns? :thumbsup: Might not be the most manoeuverable beast, but could certainly haul the hardware.
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


It could work. The only real limit would be how many and where to put them.