
A-10E Super Warthog

Started by MilitaryAircraft101, July 24, 2011, 03:01:23 AM

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Well, I just had another whiffy idea  :wacko:, inspired by the A-10 "Negotiation" poster I saw in the motivational posters thread... My A-10E will be a four engined beast with lengthened wings (17 hardpoints total) and better armament and fuel tanks! She'll be a killing machine, with 2 Academy A-10As offering their services  :rolleyes: 4 Aim-9L, 4 Mk.82, 1 Mk.83, 2 Drop Tanks, 3 AGM-65, 1 GBU-12, 3 Mk.84, 1 Targeting Pod and 2 AGM-88 . An array of weapons for some sweet as CAS missions, and enough steel and 'winders to get her home safety! Now just the look of her will have terrorists running, let alone 5980kg (13183lbs) of bombs!! Ooh it sends tingles down my spine to see her getting done!  ;D Just need to finish off 2 Harriers and a Gripen, then let the games begin!


MA101,for inspiration, have you seen Eddie M's Hogzillia?

Thread here........

Eddie M.

I'm looking forward to seeing your A-10E getting started. It sounds like a brute!! ;D
Look behind you!


Actually, thats the pic that inspired me, but it was on a poster... Lookin for some camo schemes... Mabye I'll look at some of Coops' profiles...


My virtual repaint site: http://hangarofmib.blogspot.com
-"Unlimited technology from the whole universe, and we cruise around in a Ford POS?"

-"Nothing is as it seems, guy!"

Eddie M.

Quote from: MilitaryAircraft101 on July 24, 2011, 11:28:38 PM
Actually, thats the pic that inspired me, but it was on a poster... Lookin for some camo schemes... Mabye I'll look at some of Coops' profiles...

That's the first time I've seen that poster. I guess I need to get around a little more. :)
Look behind you!


I wanna see more thats for sure..




A little slow over here  :-\ No airbrush and haven't finished anything for 4 weeks  :angry: New part in mail!  :cheers: