
AH-37 Lightweight Attack Helicopter

Started by Thiel, May 01, 2011, 04:19:31 AM

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Airwolf development/prototype ?

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....



I finally got my camera working again.

The afore mentioned NOTAR nozzles. I tried fitting it with a conventional tail rotor, but I couldn't make it work.

I've started to convert the front wheel well into a camera pod. Accidentally, I've also found out what its unofficial nickname will be.
The landing gear is going to be fixed. Unfortunately, while I have the wheels the lawn monster* ate one of the struts.

*A close relative of the carpet monster, but since it doesn't get fed nearly as often it has become much better at keeping the parts it claim.


You must have seen/heard of Airwolf?  If not, look it up on Wikipedia, and see how close your model is to it!


Nope, never heard of it before.
Anyway, the astute observer will note that the model is a lot lĀ“darker now.
That's because I decided to shell ou and pay fora GW Uniform Grey rattlecan. It costs almost twice as much as any other can on the market, but it's well worth it.


Progress on the nose pod. Plasticard and putty, where would we be without you.
Sorry about the lousy quality. I'm using my phone and it's less than ideal for close ups.



Thank you. I've been on holiday for the last couple of week so no progress to report. I do hope to get some work done in the next week.


