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LF: Spitfire F22 decals

Started by The Wooksta!, November 21, 2011, 04:41:47 AM

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The Wooksta!

More specifically, the 607 Sqn option from the Xtradecal Spitfire F22 sheet - I've used both of mine and I'd like to do at least another two 607 Sqn whiffed Spitfires (a PR 11 and an FR9).

In addition, I'm also looking for the original release of the Xtradecal Spitfire PR19 sheet - the current release doesn't have one particular option I want to do and I've used the one I had originally for a Spiteful PR15.  :banghead:

Ta muchly

Edit:  Quick look on the Hannants site says that they haven't altered the decal sheet.  We shall see...
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