
F-117X, or something to that effect

Started by silverwindblade, May 27, 2012, 02:53:29 PM

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Hi folks. Haven't had much up here for a while, but I've been busy.
Got hold of a Revell 1/48th F-117 over christmas from TK Maxx (of all places!). It's a nice kit, although it doesn't come with a bomb bay of any kind.

So, I thought I'd scratch one in, and maybe have a bash at an F-117X equivalent.
I haven't done much scratch-building, as I'm not very confident of my skills in any precision, or even at doing straight lines! But what the hell, I've only got myself to please.


I built the bay up, and detailed the interior, which I'm quite pleased with. Then I raised it up and streamed it in with some putty, which has turned out pretty well. I also added in a cannon fairing from a spare F-14 part I had lying around, since I always liked that the F-117 in the Ace Combat games has a cannon, and I always love my fighters to have guns.

I've also decided to rejig the wings, and make them less swept, so I can add horizontal tails later, and also change the overall look too. Not sure if the wings will be too thin, but it'll be a good look all the same, I think. Going to need some serious reinforcement and PSR on those wing root joins though...!

I hope this turns out well - this is the most difficult thing I've tried to do so far, so cross your fingers for me!
Amidst the blue skies, a link from past to future. The sheltering wings of the protector...
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Bomb bay looks great The wings will definitely need some work. Go for it. As you say "I only have to please myself".
"Just which planet are you from again"?


For a minute I thought you were going F-14 swing wing.  Now that would be a challenge for anyone!  Looks good, keep us posted.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Good idea, and nice work on the bomb bay.


I did briefly consider the swing wing idea, but thought it'd be too complicated! Nice idea though :D
I think the wings will look better once the flaps are attached, as they're seperate parts, and will add a lot of much-needed thickness. Might still be a bit stubby, but we'll see!
Amidst the blue skies, a link from past to future. The sheltering wings of the protector...
Gordon's Alive, a Podcast I host. Check us out!


Still working on this - it's the wings that are being a pain right now. I'm sure I'll crack it though.
I had a first - the model itself claimed blood. Not a knife slip, but one of the wingtip corners scraped across the top of my thumb deep enough to draw blood! It has been fed, now it must LIVE!  :wacko:
Amidst the blue skies, a link from past to future. The sheltering wings of the protector...
Gordon's Alive, a Podcast I host. Check us out!