My standing trades list

Started by RotorheadTX, May 09, 2012, 05:25:38 AM

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I had this lot posted over on BM, but it didn't draw much interest. Now having a go here, where they might be more appealing?

All 1/72nd scale:

Hasegawa OV-1B Mohawk {BT16/02616} Box open, sealed bag, good decals.
Aoshima TA-152H-0 "CGI Sqdn" {#019610} Box open, sealed bag, good decals.
Revell P-51B Mustang {04182} Box open, sealed bag, good decals.
Testors/Italeri B-57G {#653} Box open, sealed bag, good decals.
Academy A6M5c Zero {2176} Box open, sealed bag, good decals.
FROG Blackburn Shark - box open, several loose parts, complete as far as I can tell, decals iffy
Monogram F7F Tigercat - open box several loose parts, includes Starfighter decals and Squadron vac canopy
Hasegawa TA-154 V3 {CP-15} open box, open bags, kit complete w/ good decals
Hasegawa Kugisho P1Y1S Ginga {CP-101} Open box, sealed bags, good decals

Interested in a "deflated bag" AEW radome for 1/72nd Sea King helicopter,
Hikoki '46, a Matchbox Tempest and/or Mirage III, an ESCI (Italeri) 1/72nd scale Quad Gun Tractor,

The Wooksta!

Bags the Fujimi Spitfire!  And I can sort you out with the Matchbox Tempest also.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:


Change 1  :-\


Do you still have the B-57?? if so how much please, I am in the UK.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!