CA-23 All Weather Fighter - Scale 8 Static Model - Scratch Build

Started by BRIANWALKER01, March 21, 2012, 02:34:16 AM

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I am a scratch builder, of model aircraft's. At present I am working on a CA-23 All Weather Fighter. Plans are dated 23-4-51 Plan No P222 I am sending them to be enlarged to Scale 8 so I can build a static model. Is there anyone out there who has built one. If so could you let me know of any pit fulls you had in building this aircraft. There are 22 fuselage formers in this model. I also built a Wamira from the original plans and also a CA-15 Radial also from the original plans.

Thank You for your time.



Do I understand you correctly: you want to build it in 1:8 scale?

... and "CA-23: Designation of a two-seat twin-engined supersonic jet fighter design. None built"?

That would be huge compared with what most others are doing here. I bet people would be interested in seeing what you do. I'd certainly love to see pictures of your radial CA-15.

The Wooksta!

I've the Uncle Les resin one in 72nd but it's been buried away in cupboard since I got it.  Rough is an apt description.
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The Plan:


The plans of CA-23 all weather fighter R.R. AVON installation date 13-4-51 the plan No P 222  I do not have fuselage cross section. I have 22 fuselage formers ready to get enlarge with the plans I will build a fuselage jig and bolt the formers to center.  Lines and check in the stringers then I would work on wings the same way and the tail plane and then I would cover it with 1 MM balsa it take me about 12 months. I wish  I took more notice when I walked pass the model at CAC in the fifty's. The  Wamira is different I built the plane in 1984 or 85 I have it hanging from my ceiling the plans are fading because they are printed on red back ground I have them in a sealed tub not to be open                           
Wamira project management team book there are 22 pages of 7a paper these 9 pages are [ side by side configuration ]  [ Wamira a10 bpta  ]   [A10 DETAIL PARTS FRAMES STATIONS  ]  [STRINGERS a10 wamira  ]  [wing exploded view  ]  [ tail plane drawing number A10 a31  ]  [wamira elevator drawing nunbersA10 a31  ]  [wamira rubber drawing number A10 a33 . With a little work you could build this plane .
Duncan one other thing about 6 years ago I did speak to a gentleman who was on the design team there were two wing spans 31FT or 33FT this would be decided when the plane is test flown they would change wing tips I believe the first parts of the prototype were to be manufactured the project was terminated after £160,748 and 150,000 man-hours of work came to a end and then they bought the f 111. C A C was my home away from home after 39 years


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



Where do you put them?? If I built something that large, I'd have to live in it!
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<




My project of the CA-23 is going well I have built a fuselage jig and made the 22 fuselage formers when I bolted the formers in,  I found formers on right side was not same as the left side of formers  A TO I  but formers J K1 to K10 were ok but formers K11 K12 were wrong . I spoke to gentleman who did the enlarging and said the enlarging could have curse the  error ,so I made a templates using the port side of the formers and remade formers A to I, and all so i redid former K11 K12 and when you see the fuselage photos you will see how good they came out. I have built the wing and bolted the wing ribs in to place and I will mark strings and check them in .I have built jigs for fin and for the all- moving tail plane I have bolted the ribs in place see the photos, I will mark the strings and check them in, this will be a hard job because the ribs are small. I will be coving the air craft with .08 and 1 mm balsa sheet .When you see the photos you will see the work involved and that is the way I build my aircraft, I was looking at a document ca-23 project terminated. I believe in mid-1950 a one sixth scale model was built for wind tunnel tests. And a one tenth scale model was produced in January 1951 to accommodate changes in the fuselage, wing, tail and undercarriage, By late 1951 the ca-23 project was at a standstill for more pressing projects.

Duncan, the Wamira original plans have faded and if you would to try save them you can have the plans. If you happen to make a 172 model to scale I would like one. I will post you all another update on the CA23 in a couple of weeks.




 :blink: When you see those pictures you get a true impression of scale  :blink: You've almost got a scale aircraft factory there  :thumbsup: Amazing work
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.