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Looking for 1/72 figures

Started by Model Mutt, November 20, 2012, 01:42:56 PM

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Model Mutt

Probably a long shot but i´m looking for 1/72 figures stood to attention, got a couple from the airfix bloodhound kit but i´m looking for a few more to form a group on pararde. Got a lot of different decals and parts i can trade if you have anything of use?


Preiser do figures of troops - mainly Germans - on parade IIRC
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.

Model Mutt

Thanks Rickshaw, i´d seen the ones in camo but its the RAF uniformed types i´m after


Luftwaffe would do at a pinch, I'd suggest.  Change the headdress to berets.   Make the first rank proper RAF figures and the rear ranks Luftwaffe painted to look like RAF and no one will spot the difference.
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


I've an unstarted Airfix Bloodhound  in the stash,  that in the fullness of time may become either an air-launched  device  or may use up some ROYAL NAVY  decals. I don't need the figures, so PM me a street address, and I'll pop them in the post to you. As I  recall,  there's a guard dog and handler in there too, should you decide that your parade needs an official mascot.  All I would like in return is a photo posted  here when/if  your parade has assembled ...........and welcome to Whiffworld.
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet

Model Mutt

Thanks Rheged, already got two, one painted up that i´ll post a pic of and another i´m attempting to mould.

Model Mutt

thanks for the advice Rickshaw, not sure if they come with peaked hats but i´ll look into them as they might be useful

Army of One

Sure there are a couple of 'officer' types standing upright almost to attention with peaked caps in the Airfix USAAF crew set....


Model Mutt

Thanks i´ll see if i can track down a pack