Started by Geoff_B, August 31, 2004, 04:51:40 AM

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Well looks like i'm the new TSR-2 SIG leader now taking over the reigns from Wooksta due to unfortunate cirumstancies between himself and the IPMS(UK) committee at the moment. (It sounds like the Tyneside IPMS branch is going into self-destruct mode as well if there are now doubt about the Northern Show).

Ok the first act of leadership is of course to thank the outgoing leader for the work done in establishing the SIG. So many thanks Lee, and glad your going to remain a member even if no longer an IPMS(UK) member.

Secondly can i take this oppertunity to invite any site users who are interested in the TSR-2 to request membership of the SIG. Do so by sending me a PM or email.

Thirdly I'm looking for ideas in defining the aims of the SIG and revising them to suite the membership. Initially its purpose was to promote the TSR-2 as an aircraft and encourage Airfix to consider producing one as an Injection Moulded 1/72 scale kit. Now both these goals have been achieved to some extent, we have been recognised as a SIG and should have a table at the Nationals. We have also succeeded in encouraging Airfix to consider the TSR-2 to put forward for production, unfortunately we will not know till next year when Airfix announce next years products if they did manage to clear it through the new projects review board.

I am propossing to have the TSR-2 SIG to cover the TSR-2, its development & test aircraft, the alternative designs considered before & after the TSR-2 and "What-If" variants of the TSR-2 if it had gone into service and its subsequent use. Does this appeal to the current members ?

We may see about a fact sheet/newsletter covering some of the element that have been discussed here and elsewhere. However i know our chief contributor will be Joe Cherrie and obviously he will wish to hold back on some of the details as these will be saved for his forthcoming Epic on the History & Development of the TSR-2. Hopefully he will do a few choice bits for the SIG.

As we were mentioning Polo shirts i would propose a similar one for the TSR-2 if we can get a logo design sorted out and the the shirts produced at a resonable rate.


Geoff Baker


I'm "Innit" of course, so congrats Thorvic.
If and when a suitable injection moulded thing becomes available I'll make a few TSR2s of course.
Until then, I'll concentrate on "ideas" good and bad.

As for possible SIGs to develop:

"Aeromaster Bf-109 in Eternity" SIG <_<

"The Rivet SIG for very old kits" B)

"The Inaccurate Moulding SIG"  :wacko:

"The F-16, F-16, F-16 and F-16 SIG"  :unsure:

"The Transvestite Tank Drivers SIG" :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


About the only thing that I can see they do as an organisation is that they organise the nats (no small undertaking mind) and the various branches organise their own shows.

As for joining, like Lee says, I can get in the nats cheaper and 30 minutes earlier.....and er, thats about it.  Hence I haven't joined.
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Maybe we should be supporting the UK IPMS. The leadership may be a bunch of tossers but it is our hobby and if we don't help who the hell will. I am in the Canadian IPMS at the moment and years ago I was in the UK IPMS for a year, but the internet wasn't up and running then and because of work I couldn't get to any club meetings, now because of the internet it has made getting to know other people with similar intrests easier but its at the IPMS Nats' that we all get together swap ideas and have a good laugh (and may be a good drink to).
Through this site I have made a lot of good friends, some I will probably never meet because they are all over the world but the people who live in and visit the UK I will meet at the UK IPMS Show, I will be rejoining the UK IPMS, its OUR Hobby, its OUR IPMS
Stephen Wearmouth
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


Good response, Aircav.
I'm a Member of IPMS(Canada) because they seem to care plus have an interesting magazine.
BUT, I'm also a member of IPMS(UK) because I want to be in it, to associate with members, to be in the network that is associated with modelling.
OK, I agree with Wooksta that IPMS has outlived many uses....
you can model....you can visit shows....you can go to model clubs....you can go to the Nationals for £12 for the weekend, virtuallyfull-time too.
But, you can't set up, be "in" at 8am, etc., unless you're a member, and OK, the Mag is of poorer quality than most, but will improve, I believe, under John Tapsell who's a nice and competent bloke who I've known for 20 years.
Also....the Nationals is a magnificent show and achievement
OK, if IPMS(UK) disapperaed tomorrow, there'd still be shows, clubs, etc., but the main attraction of a huge show is beyond the organisational hopes of any single club.
The only replacement for that would be one run by traders, and the very  nice Games Workshop show is £20 entrance fee for one day, has no displays and does retail only. They make a fortune, is successful, but it's not a model show.
Me, for all their problems, I'm sticking with IPMS(UK).
:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


All good arguments about IPMS(UK). I see both sides of the argument, as I have a foot on both sides. On the IPMS website I did vent my feelings about being called a freeloader and other worse stuff, got support from other posters and a rather visious reply form the usual suspect on there. I do want to join the UK branch, for all it's failings, of which there are many.

QuoteBut, you can't set up, be "in" at 8am, etc., unless you're a member, and OK, the Mag is of poorer quality than most, but will improve, I believe, under John Tapsell who's a nice and competent bloke who I've known for 20 years.
Also....the Nationals is a magnificent show and achievement

All very true Rad San, but it seems that the nationals is all the UK IPMS seems to do. Even when it is supposed to have a full time person to organise it. A right Arse as well as it turns out. My personal opinion og this bod is somewhat stronger than that, but not apprpriate for here.
Still, with the latest 'directive' from this person looks like it is gonna get the society into some SERIOUS legal poo-poo (with an english accent). In fact, as one of those affected, I may well take legal advice on the matter.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die