Frankenstein, kit bashers, and whiffers

Started by maxmwill, January 05, 2015, 05:28:41 PM

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Y'know, I'm coming to realize that we, as modellers of various stripes, from kit bashers, to model modifiers, to outright and pure whiffers have something in common with the good Herr Doktor Victor Frankenstein.

Happiness is a good sized collection of spare parts.

And in a way, what we, each of us, create, whether it be some modification of an existing aircraft that might have been dreamt by an engineer one night over cocktails(with the required pen and cocktail napkin), or some chimera, such as the silly but interesting XNI-02 Kameleon which is offered by Igor at Unicraft, which was supposedly built in Hungary with the nose of a P38, the fuselage of the P51, the wings of a Ju87(with the stab used at the tips for ailerons), with a pair of BMW003 turbines bolted to the fuselage(I told you it was silly, but interesting), or even something that existed only as a paper plane, we breathe life into these, much like Herr Doktor did with his sewn together collection of spare parts animated by lightning.

In fact, would it be fair to posit that Viktor Frankenstein was the very first whiffer, if only he existed in print?(there has been some speculation that Mary Shelley based her character on an alchemist who lived 200 years or so earlier, and really did try to reanimate bodies sewn together of spare parts)

Or am I being too much the smart arse?

Captain Canada

I like it ! But I think it's pronounced Frunkensteen ;-)
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Captain Canada on January 05, 2015, 05:57:05 PM
I like it ! But I think it's pronounced Frunkensteen ;-)

Don't forget Igor, I mean Eyegor!
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Only when Mel Brooks and chopped chicken liver is involved(in order to understand the referent, you have to go back to some time in the 80s when Playboy magazine had an interview with Mel).

You guys will have to pardon me, but for most of my life, while I wasn't the Klass Klown of teenage comedy movie fame, I do have a certain preference for puns, ridiculous allusions(almost illusory allusions, but I allude to other thing, or, more like, given I am partial to a certain De Havilland Canada product, otter t'ings), as well as various other plays on words which are meant to amuse and cause others to t'ink otter t'ings in the grand scheme of schemata.

And today has ended, for me, on a particularly wondrous note, as I am involved with constructing the Horten IAe38 Naranjero that Unicraft sell, but also make canes, and try to sell them on occasion, as the materials are, literally growing on trees(or are actually tree, or more like stout saplings, still the same thing all things considered, which, by the way is a wonderful radio show on NPR here), and if anyone is interested, then simply ask, and I shall endeavor to please, or at least elucidate, and the cane I am currently crafting, well, I guess for lack of a better term or turn of phrase, feels good, at least to me, and hopefully to the person, I don't know whom at this point, for which this is intended.

And so I have to ask, because I don't know, is, how could I post pics of anything, if I have a photobucket account(don't know of any other right now), in case anyone wants to see one, or I can post pics of the Horten as I build it, at least from time to time(don't want to bore anyone with pedestrian steps such as, piece A is set on part B, then follows part G to wheel pants, or some such, which is how I learned stick and tissue modelling). As I got deeper into it, and compare the photos with what is in resin, rod, tube, cardstock andother stuff, it is evolving, nearly in front of me. Mebbe it'll decide to crawl out of the swamp and take wing with the other dragonflies one of these days(a great song,if you like Pink Floyd).

Old Wombat

Posting from Photobucket is pretty easy, max.

1st up, you have to have both "What If" & "Photobucket" up on separate tabs.

Each Photobucket picture has a little cog up in the corner when you run your cursor into the picture.

If you run your cursor over the cog it brings up a drop-down list, click on "share links";

click on the one titled "Direct";

in your post/reply find a blank line & paste - the link url will appear on that line;

highlight the url;

above the post dialogue window are a couple of rows of boxes, there is one that looks like a tiny picture of a painting, click on that;

the url line will now look something like this [img*][/*img] (without the asterisks);

make sure you click elsewhere to remove the blue highlighting & the picture will now appear in your post.


Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


If you get tired of the pop up ads on photobucket (I finally did!) you could try Flickr (not misspelled). Posting is just about as easy but the steps are a little different. Seems everyone has to reinvent the wheel.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Ok, thanks, I have an idea now, so like so much else, I'll just take it, like so much else, play with it(which is the only and best way to learn just about anything, except parenthood, which never even comes with an owner's manual for each new model that comes out of the assembly line).

I've seen references to Flickr elsewhere, but like so much else about the internet(or intertubes, which also tends to explain why the internet is comprised primarily of cats, but that's a whole 'nother realm of pun-nishment suitable for future discussion and/or punny torment with the use of LOLspeak, the only way our feline masters and mistresses will deign to communicate with us lowly thumb-bearers, or just thumb-one else), when I was in high school, those were the days before dirt was invented, before even dinosaurs, at least according to my son, because those were the days BC(before computers), which also explains why I am more comfy bending a wrench on radials, rotary radials(yes, there are still some around swinging a prop) and pretty much anything that was fresh off the assembly line when my father was a young man, but I persist, and am learning, and always willing to learn more, even to work on a car built after 2010, when the auto manufacturers ordered that no maintenance manuals be printed for cars on and after that year(this is a true thing in the US, and I have yet to learn that there are manuals for newer foreign cars, as well),