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Help.........Re;A trip to Prague........

Started by Army of One, June 25, 2015, 04:59:56 AM

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Army of One

Probably not the right place to post so any admin feel free to move please........

Dear all.......SWMBO'd will soon be reaching a milestone birthday.......it's  not 21 (again....) or anywhere near 50....and for a surprise, having spoken to her mum, shecwants a few days away. We have both liked Prague and so my question or need of help is....any recommendations re hotel to stay and places to visit.....?  And before anyone moans n suggests tripadvisor or google i prefer the personal recommendations of people i interact with....and even those i have met.......i doubt she would look favourably on a trip to the Eduard store or anything similar.....a celebration of her birthday and thanks for letting me an Max set up the mancave (shed) in the garden......


Army of One

I should have added that this be around the 14-19 Aug this year.....fora few days.....



A couple of years since I last went mate, but if you look at hotels just outside the city centre they might be cheaper and the public transport system is very good. Prague it'self is a lovely city with plenty of history and things to see. Prague Castle is one of (it not the( largest in the world and you could spend a couple of days there.

The 4 main models shops are all within walking distance of each other so I'm sure you could find yourself in the area whilst site seeing :rolleyes:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: Army of One on June 25, 2015, 05:55:35 AM
I should have added that this be around the 14-19 Aug this year.....fora few days.....

Central Europe can be very warm at that time of year
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


If you hang around Wenceslas Square for any length of time (and that's more or less obligatory given the things to see there) you'll probably be approached by guys selling tickets to concerts.
Of course, if you're not into classical music you won't be interested, but they're small (the one I went to had fewer than 100 people there) and inside the buildings surrounding the Square. All for about a fiver (£5) per person. Very pleasant way of spending a couple of hours.

And then there's THE bookshop. Can't miss it - about 4 storeys of books (including entire sections of English-language ones).
(Plus, like NARSES said, there's model shops tucked away in surprising places: you're almost bound to accidentally stumble across one).
What if... I had a brain?


Me and a mate went to Prague in 2013, we had an apartment from ABC Apartments (owners are from America, Britain, Canada). It was just 5 minutes walk from the centre. You might get lucky with a last minute search.

The guided tours start from the Tourist Info centre which is by the Astronomical Clock, guard your valuables while watching this as pickpockets are rife there.
The TV Tower is worth a trip if only for the baby statues on the outside. Sadly I hear the Wings bar is now closed, it was an aviation clubhouse that did great food.
Go to the U Fleku beerhall for a truly dark beer and heavy food.  :cheers:  The Skull Bar by the castle is fun too.

Prague castle and cathedral is good, they have concerts playing in the grounds. Be there for the comically bad Changing of the Guards!
Technical Museum has lots of cars, planes and trains. The Air Museum is not to be missed by any half serious aviation fan. For a busmans holiday you could go to the National Police Museum http://www.muzeumpolicie.cz/  ;)

Bookshop on Jungmannova has a great range of military books, mostly in Czech but the subjects are rare and the artwork great. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.080607,14.422394,3a,72.1y,97.97h,79.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9NzQ0wS7_GwElSl3i36CRg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=en



- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..

Army of One

Gotta say a big thank you to Nick for sending me his Prague pocket guide.......but more importantly taking the time to orint of some maps and mark the locations of the important shops......which appear to be located near to a pub n cafe/restaurant that have been recommended by a few people......we shall go there an.......whoa......what are these shops sweetness.....?  I'll just have a quick look inside.......



If memory serves the MPM shop actually has a café area just up some stairs. Still in full view of the shop though
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I don't get out to Prague much, but on a clear day you can get some nice views of the city from the tower on Petrin hill:


I'd avoid it if the weather is hot though, it'll be like a sauna up top.

As was mentioned before, central Europe can be quite hot through the summer. I'm in Brno, at the other end of the country from Prague and for the past two or three weeks, the temperature has not dropped below 30C and has a few time crept to 38C.

It's been like that for most of the country.

If you've not already booked your hotel, I've had nothing but good experiences using the Ibis chain. They have three locations in the centre of Prague. While I've not used them in Prague; if their Amsterdam and Barcelona locations are anything to go by then you should have a pleasant stay with them:

My Blogs:

Pickled Wings: http://pickledwings.com/

Beyond Prague: http://beyondprague.net/