Started by Tomcat_al200, October 06, 2004, 08:59:24 AM

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Also, the Gulf isn't really a good place to operate a carrier. Way too vulnerable to land-launched attacks with missiles or aircraft. The only 'safe' place would be outside the Gulf, but then you get close to the Pakistatnian border. And a carrier isn't any good for getting at Iran's main enemy: Iraq.  


Time now to look at the US side of things as it would be more likely they provide the Iranian carrier out of their Reserve fleet (larger than most other navies!).

Note that I am solely interested in ships that were surplus in around 1961 and that no other *what-ifs* happened to the rest of the world carrier fleets.

One of the Casablanca or Commencement Bay class converted merchant ships which lasted till the late 1960's could be the most likely bet for a helicopter ASW carrier, indeed some of these ships were used in this role by the USN.

Essex class, 26 ships. USS Franklin was in reserve in 1960 and paid off in 1964, a possible early retirement. USS Antietam was moved to reserve in 1963. USS Phillipine Sea in reserve from 1958.

Independence class, 9 converted cruisers and not considered great at sea. USS Belleau Wood in reserve 1960, scrapped 1962. USS Monterey and USS San Jacinto both in reserve from mid-50s till scrapping in 1970.

All the other types were in regular usage until past the 1970s and I have doubts as to what limits would have been set by the sellers on the size of an Iranian carrier. It is possible that other ships in the Essex/Independence class were in reserve at the right time but the few above will do for now.

Nick B)  


Sorry if I missed something !!! .... but where are the pictures ????

Deino  :rolleyes:  
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one:
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods:
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
W.H.Auden (1945

Joe C-P

An Essex or RN light fleet might be able to handle a MiG-29K, but never an F-14 or Su-27K or one of its successors.

The US lights would be limited to helos and V/STOLs (maybe some prop types too?)and a ski-jump would definately help with the latter, once its invented. Spain operated AV-8As from their Dedalo, ex-USS Cabot.
There were even plans to convert the CVLs, and even some of the CVEs!  :o with angled decks, but this was impractical and didn't really resolve the problem of their small size.
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.