
Done +++ An early A-4 Skyhawk in Aéronavale colors (@ p.2)

Started by Dizzyfugu, August 14, 2016, 11:46:06 PM

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Nice work! Sure looks the part in Aeronavale colours!  :thumbsup:

Now build another one, but with a Super Etendard's nose and cockpit section spliced on.  :wacko: Exocet on the centre-line.
EDIT: On second thought... maybe don't. Quick mock-up in pixels reveals it would look silly. The Skyhawk's cockpit area is way taller than the SuE's, meaning a 1-to-1 splice would look somewhat hump-backed. However, giving a Skyhawk a finer, less wide nose and installing the SuE's radar and refuelling probe could look quite pleasing. Perhaps an Argentinian modification?


Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


For a radar, there's actually not much to change. The RNZAF A-4Ks kept the original nose, but carried an APG-65 radar, so rhinoplasty would not really be necessary - unless you want a dramatic change.
But there's another Skyhawk on the list, a heavily modified "Super Skyhawk" as a rebuild of a kitbash I did when I was at school. Today, there are better means and tools available, though...


The Skyhawk looks great in those colours. Excellent build.  :thumbsup: