
United States Military Yak-9

Started by TheChronicOne, September 06, 2016, 05:20:17 PM

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Quote from: zenrat on September 11, 2016, 03:26:08 AM
According to Scalemates it's by RM Models using the KP Moulds and dates from the 1990's.

Awesome! Thanks for that.   <_<   I feel sort of bad trash talking the little kits.. I'm sure they did the best they could but.. MAN.   ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: Captain Canada on September 11, 2016, 05:18:11 AM
That sure changes the look of the machine ! I like it ! Great job on the colours and markings, really suits her. The radar bits give it an interesting look as well. Cheers !


Thanks, bud! I was pleasantly surprised at the end. Sort of like watching Bob Ross do a painting..there's always a point near the end where the markings are going on, the final bits are being glued on and you start to think, "Yeah, I see it now, this ain't so bad!" It's sort of like second wind with runners...
-Sprues McDuck-


Took me years to get a good white finish on a model...looks like you've nailed it early on. I'm tempted to try that tinted canopy, especially with 1/72 as I can avoid those horribly fiddly cockpits ;D

Just love that aerial :thumbsup:.


Thanks! I, too, was impressed with the finish of the white. It layed down so well! I primed with rustoleum 2X grey primer and let it dry a few days then hit it with the white. All it is is generic brand, $1 a can from Wal Mart paint. Good stuff, their black is awesome, as well, and goes down matte. Thrifty person like myself can get behind $1 rattle can paint that looks really good. 
-Sprues McDuck-


Side note on the tinted canopy.. a lot of people paint the outside but I paint the inside of the glass... it looks better that way in my opinion.
-Sprues McDuck-


I did a write up of some of what I did on this thing for a Facebook art work page (I CERTAINLY consider model crafting art) and it would be a waste to not share it here...for those that are interested in some of my methods and materials:


"My artwork! :D I made this scale plastic model from a Russian model kit.
"it's an RM models using KP molds." Friends, that's the extent of the knowledge about the manufacturer of this kit. A quote taken from someone kind enough to look it up for me.
Any how. Copious amounts of using metal files, sandpaper, and "filler" to fix gaps and other oddities created by "negative space" caused by how the plastic was made.. It was bad... the parts wouldn't align and lots of extra plastic that shouldn't be there (attached to) the pieces called "flash" that I had to trim, file, and sand.
I used a combination of Wal Mart brand Color Place spray paint for the white and acrylic (whoops!) red and black Testors paint applied by brush. Acrylic water based doesn't adhere all too well to oil based enamel.. ;)
I used water slide decal transfers that I've been sitting on since 1996 from an F/A-18 kit to create a unique "what if" or "alternate" markings scheme. The plane is Russian, the markings American.
The goofy looking contraption on the left wing was completely scratch built by me. I used spare "sprue" which is the plastic "tree" thing model kit parts come attached to. I cut pieces of it and glued it together then cut up a paper clip for the antennas. It's supposed to be a radar array akin to the ones in WWII on the front of airplanes.
It's a "What If" scheme and I think it turned out pretty nice despite being a novice. I hope it appeals and thanks!"
-Sprues McDuck-