Almost a What-If - Trumpy's Type XXIII Out of Box

Started by Faust, December 15, 2016, 03:27:19 PM

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I don't know about you, but when I think of submarines, even WWII submarines, I think of relatively large ships designed to prowl the ocean depths like sharks stalking their prey. I don't really think of costal patrol submarines; small boats with short range and limited armament. However, that's exactly what the German Type XXIII was; a 'brown water' sub designed for shorter duration patrols in coastal waters.

I was quite pleased to find a kit of this interesting craft a few years ago on a trip to a local shop. Since then, it seems like there's been more interest in the Type XXIII, as now I see that Revell has repopped the ICM offering! However, the one I have is the Trumpeter 1/144. Even though a limited number of these saw service, there's still an awful lot of whiffing potential in here. Missile canister tow vehicle? Special forces sub? AA-sub to ambush planes over home waters?  Two were raised and modified post war, too, so there's potential there!

Any ideas, or proof, of why one or the other?

Check out this fairly recent offering "out of the box" here: