Supermarine 'Floattacker'

Started by CammNut, May 07, 2017, 01:53:56 PM

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Apologies for the delay in responding. Have been on travel, in the land of unmanned aircraft, vertical lift and urban air taxis...

Here is the real Attacker floatplane three-view. I hesitated to post it as I cannot for the life of me remember where I found it - so if anyone claims ownership, I apologize in advance.

And thank you, Wooksta, for a way out of my conundrum - of course it is an early aircraft still the in the UK and therefore lacking its Pacific markings. Why didn't I think of that? Phew!!!


It doesn't look like it in your model, but looking at the drawings, it looks like it would need more wing surface to drag that lot off the water :-)


The Wooksta!

Bearing in mind your back story has the war ending some years later, that pushes back the Type D roundel by an equal amount, ditto the late 40s RN scheme, so the model is doubly correct.
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The Plan:

James W.

Quote from: The Wooksta! on May 12, 2017, 11:11:42 AM
Bearing in mind your back story has the war ending some years later, that pushes back the Type D roundel by an equal amount, ditto the late 40s RN scheme, so the model is doubly correct.

No, & no, W..
1stly, the O.P. back story has the war against Nippon continuing, & makes no mention of V.E. day, so Blighty-wise, = same-same in R.W..
& 2ndly, C-type roundels weren't used in the Far-East - while there was a war on anyhow..


Okay, my next whiff will involve time-travelling Venusians from Mars, which should be more believable to everyone...

James W.

Quote from: CammNut on May 12, 2017, 04:53:00 PM
Okay, my next whiff will involve time-travelling Venusians from Mars, which should be more believable to everyone...

Ok, C-N, but make sure the serial numbers don't actually belong to a Angel Interceptor.. unless of course - it is a 'Q' craft - in sneak mode..


Quote from: dwomby on May 12, 2017, 10:56:28 AM
It doesn't look like it in your model, but looking at the drawings, it looks like it would need more wing surface to drag that lot off the water :-)


That's why I put some JATO/ratog bottles on the belly of my Suez striped float attacker!  :thumbsup:  (ancient Frog mold)

Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA

James W.

Yeah, that skimpy 210 sqft wing area was already noted as marginal in the Spiteful, per comparison with the more generous Spitfire..

(& nice D-type roundels on your tidy effort there, too S-89).
