
How many "in progress" kits are sitting on your workbench?

Started by strobez, July 05, 2017, 11:45:14 PM

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Joe C-P

ON the workbench? Well, technically, 2, one real world HMS Jersey, and one whiff.
In boxes scattered throughout the closet? I honestly do not know. Over a dozen, some I started over 30 years ago. I've been working my way through those, and have finished 6 or 7 since the beginning of this year.
And I've only bought 1 (one!) new model this year, though I'm about to try out Shapeways for a couple unusual designs.
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


Rick Lowe

20 to 30 years? You got me beat - I've just restarted a couple that have been in a 'box-o-doom' for only 15-20, so they're spring chickens by comparison...
Still haven't finished the current projects, of course - though you weren't expecting anything different, were you?  ;D
