
Super-size Guppy

Started by McColm, September 28, 2018, 04:05:49 PM

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I wonder if the Convair B-36 Peacemaker was ever considered for transporting oversized cargo or aircraft parts?
Have a book about the Convair drawings and ideas from the San Diego branch, which does include a transport variant and the XC-99 but nothing resembling the Guppy or Pregnant Guppy.
I have also looked at proposals for a B-52 as a Mega-Guppy.
Most Whiffers use plastic 5litre water or fizzy drinks containers, plastic milk containers with a series of stretchers to keep the plastic rigid and to obtain the new shape of the fuselage.
The new vertical tail will need to be scratched built.
The Italeri 1/72 B-52G wings fit the Monogram kit but the wing spar needs work to get the two parts to merge.
A new cockpit and canopy, either made from a wooden block or a raid in the spares bin should yield something. 
The B-52 is square compared to the round fuselage of the B-36. It's a case of a square peg in a round hole and blending in with filler to get the perfect fit.
You could just use the existing wings :banghead:
There was a vacform conversion set but this is out of production or opt for the 1/144 scale.