
DONE @p.2 +++ L-159 ALCA, Guàrdies Aèries de la República Catalana

Started by Dizzyfugu, November 13, 2019, 11:57:18 PM

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-Sprues McDuck-


I actually have a Chechen MiG-21 on my agenda (this actually occured, but only for a MiG-21U trainer, not a single-seater), potential kit anc even decals are there. It's just a low priority project.  ;)

The Bahamas were already on my radar, too, but so far I did not find a convincing idea for a build. And scratching the roundels is not easy, too, even though I might be able to create some with 6mm diameter with die-punched circles from black and yellow sheet. Maybe for a small aircraft? I have a MU-2 somewhere in the stash...