
STOL liner

Started by ysi_maniac, October 20, 2019, 09:19:14 PM

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What if a set of tubes, called vortex generators(watch it, these are not little flanges on top of the wing set at angles relative to the airflow)? I was working at TRAMCo in 1988, and Alaska Airlines had a couple 737s outfitted with tubes which were attached to the bottom and front of each nacelle, with 6, 3 on each side, which pointed down and aft,. These tapped into the first stage compressor of each engine, blowing debris off from in front of each nacelle. These could also help salve the CG/thrust problem.


 I've not seen that modification before, the only mod for use 'up north' I have seen is the 'gravel kit' used on 737-200's which had a single long tube sticking out the front and below the nacelle which blew FOD away. Actually flew in one where we landed on a gravel airstrip at a diamond mine a few years ago. Seen them too, when I worked at YYC in Calgary.
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


That's the one. I helped with some of the nacelle mods on the first one. Interestingly, there was an additional mod, the installation of HUDS, which I was also a part of. You see, Alaskan Airlines birds are more like city transit, in that, everyone goes on board, and some of what they bring is the most amazing of things, such as salmon. And sometimes, the fish were forgotten, and left in the forward cargo to rot. My job was to remove said rotten fish, and this was done in the hangar where the HUD mod took place, and as at the time, the avionics were considered secret, these being taken from F15s, so the Air Force ordered TRAMCo to have an armed guard at the door, making sure the wrong people never went in. After a bag of rotten fish was taken out, the guard demanded to know what the hell I was doing, going in and out so much. Putting on my worst Russian accent, I declared, "My name is Boris Stoichemetric, famous spy, here to steal American secrets of rotten fish", and promptly opened the garbage bag, and let him get bathed in the piquant and delicate odor of very rotten fish. He never missed with me after that.


If I've understood the explanations of what is happening with the MAX, the shape of the engine intake part of the nacelle is what's creating additional lift at high AoA's, I would say some lift dumpers are what is really needed on the top side of the nacelle. I'm sure a couple of flaps wouldn't be that much of a problem to create, something like the air relief doors you see on fast jets, only working in reverse.
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike

Captain Canada

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


I'm not sure about the intake shape being able to induce additional lift, or something to that effect, but taking that vortex generator idea(tapping into the first stage of the compressor) and applying that additional air as an assist for lift would be very doable, at least to this mechanic.
But then, I am, after all, just a dumb aeroplane mechanic, and not an engineer with a pretty piece of paper that says I can do whatever I fantasize I can do.