
DONE +++ Nakajima J9N1 "Kikka"; ATAIU SEA, Singapore, Jan. 1946

Started by Dizzyfugu, November 15, 2020, 11:48:45 PM

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Incredible. Build done in page 1 then more with a research topic for everybody to enjoy. I like the concept, the execution and especially the finish. Most Japanese aircraft seem to have been outside for a couple of years before flying and this looks right to me. I expect some of the B&W images to be RARE, COLLECTABLE items on a certain auction site shortly.

May I offer a tiny suggestion?

Radio aerials are a PITA and things got better for me when I stopped using stretched sprue. Since I started using knitting in elastic (Thanks to Mike at Clifton Curios, lovely bloke, good coffee), things have been a lot easier. Before gluing the fuselage sides together make a cavity in one fin half and scribe a channel out to the leading edge. Put several knots in the end of a piece leaving a tail that is shorter than the channel. The little ball of knots goes in the cavity with a drop of PVA glue and the tail and aerial into the channel and also secured with PVA. Join the fuselage and finish the model adding a small notch on the aerial post's leading edge. Once all the glue is solid tie the thread to the aerial post using the minimum amount of tension possible with the knot at the rear, add another knot or two. The tail should either be cut off about 1mm past the knot and PVA glued to the aerial and a blob of PVA over the knots is the insulator. If needed the tail can be left longer and fed into the fuselage separately.
If you get the clear thread then a permanent marker pen will tint it to whatever colour you want. HTH