Oh radish!!!!!!!!

Started by Martin H, January 23, 2005, 01:22:35 PM

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John Howling Mouse

QuoteHi Bazza,
Great idea of your's to try to turn the Corsair into a boring model.
How do you come up with ideas like that?
Allan in Canberra
Thanks, Alan.

Guess it's just the old cliche/adage about some people always wondering why things are the way they are versus wondering "why not" (make them a different way).  I put the same effort other modelers put into making their scale miniatures accurately represent authentic original into the madness of wondering what other concepts could have been developed...  

With my new 1:48 Gripen kit in hand, I've added a "regular-winged" Gripen to my list of must builds!!  But I'll need a second kit for that as I've promised myself the first Gripen will be an "authentic" build straight outta da' box.

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.