
Fairey Gannet AEW. 9

Started by McColm, October 30, 2021, 10:10:17 PM

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What if the Fairey Gannet AEW.3 hadn't been retired when it did but was given updates in systems and avionics?
Would the AEW.7 had materialised,  perhaps not but the use of the deflated Searchwater radar fitted to a revolving arm  similar to the Westland Sea King AEW and the EH-101 Merlin Crows Nest would in my mind had evolved into the AEW. 9.
ESM wingtip pods with an ECM in a Rugby ball shaped radome at the top of the vertical tail fin, chaff dispensers and a retractable inflight refuelling probe. Perhaps the remaining AS.1 airframes with a slight deeper fuselage in keeping with the lines of the AEW.3.
In a similar manner the Breguet Alize could also have been adapted to the AEW.9 specifications.
This means buying two kits for comparison and further Freightdog conversion sets. I think that I have enough plastic for the wingtip ESM pods. I might experiment with resin moulds for the ECM radomes and inflight refuelling probes.