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Delta Lightning

Started by The Wooksta!, September 20, 2021, 05:58:33 PM

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The Wooksta!

More rather, what to do with left over bits.

I had to use a set of wings for P.8 V5.0, and rather than use nasty Novo ones, I pulled out an older version of the Hasegawa Lightning F6 for the wings.  The undercarriage and wheels will find a use elsewhere, but this left me with a fuselage and tailsurfaces.  Along with a few more in the spares box.

So what to do?  I remembered a drawing for a delta winged Lightning and I knew someone had done one some years back using a spare TSR2 wing.  I have a spare fuselage and a mould for the latter.  What happens next?

Well, out with a Matchbox Lightning T55 and the lower wings get snipped off the sprues.  These get matched up to the underside of the TSR2 wing and the u/c bays are traced out and scribed in.  Now I'm too lazy to grout them out, so it'll be a wheels up desktop model.  A mate who does figures is doing some pilots for me, so that bit is sorted.  The kit bang seat is painted and ready to go in.

The TSR2 gets the centre section sawn out and the wings are ready to go on once the fuselage is assembled.  The one in the photos is "one I prepared earlier" and is a stunt double for the one that will be used.

And the undersides.  You may just be able to see the scribed wheel bays.

As for scheme... I've some decals for a Lightning F6 marked as an aggressor for an exercise, so that's what this may end up as.

"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:


Snap, did something very similar with a wingless Lightning. I suppose the actual Lightning wings are in essence a Delta with a bit clipped out.

Interested in your take. I took the opportunity to rack more Missiles under the wings ;)
Optional link to image of model so as not hijack thread ;)

The Wooksta!

The Lightning's planform is known as a notched delta - the MiG 21 is a tailed delta.

TBH, I'm not exactly sure what's going under the wings yet.  I'll get it together and then make my mind up.

And well done for getting something half decent out of the vile Matchbox Lightning. The T55 is passable, the F2A/F6 has a few salvageable bits but the rest is fit for the bin.  Hated building mine.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan: