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Permission request

Started by ysi_maniac, October 04, 2021, 11:36:28 PM

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Here you can see pieces for two different Battlecruisers: a land battlecruiser and a flying battlecruiser ;D . I have no more idea on how would it finish :banghead:

This is current status because I have collected pieces from old aborted projects. Would you accept the hull of Centurion on steroids or the 2 lower halves of Nelson's hull. The "superstructures" are not glued.
Will die without understanding this world.


If none of those parts are glued together and just dry fitted then I'd lean towards allowing it.  No painting or gluing until Nov 1 though.  Crudebuteffective?  Your opinion?  I'll defer either way .
So I got that going for me...which is nice....