
1/1000 Taigong space station resort

Started by Vorcha, September 23, 2022, 10:51:44 AM

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So as my modeling mojo is slowly recovering I've realized that maybe I should bake smaller buns, as the german saying goes - both metaphorically and figuratively...
...recently I stumbled upon a video from Deutsche Welle from june talking about the new chinese space station "Tiangong" - they misspelled it as 'Taigong'...

link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccDQoA11aEc

...well I thought, isn't that the perfect What-If idea?!

So I'll put this back story here and when my mojo is completely refuelled and tested I'll let a few pictures follow it. Enjoy. :)

"On 21 March 2016, after a lifespan extended by two years, the China Manned Space Engineering Office announced that Tiangong-1 had officially ended its service. They went on to state that the telemetry link with Tiangong-1 had been lost. A couple of months later, amateur satellite trackers watching Tiangong-1 found that China's space agency had lost control of the station. In September 2016, after conceding they had lost control over the station, officials speculated that the station would re-enter and burn up in the atmosphere late in 2017. According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, Tiangong-1 started reentry over the southern Pacific Ocean, northwest of Tahiti, on 2 April 2018 at 00:16 UTC." (Wikipedia)

On April 1st 2017 a corrupt chinese government official 'sold' the Tiangong-1 ("Sky Palace") space station that was to re-enter earth's atmosphere the next year in a successful fraud to a chinese millionaire, who thought he was buying a coastal holiday resort named "Sky Palace".
Unable to sue due to his fear of repercussions he was left with a worthless asset and a 200 million dollar loss. He then proceeded to resell it to an american millionaire in a fraud of his own. He, too chose to resell... When the fraud finally became clear it was the billionaire entrepreneur Jefferson Bruceton who realized he had been tricked into buying a lost chinese space station. By then it was late in March 2018.

Instead of suing for his money back, he decided to go another way. He also owned an emerging commercial space company named "Galactic Blue Space" and the prototype of a manned spacecraft was in the final stages of testing...

... The temperature indicator had gone red a minute ago, but John flicked off the annoying alarm. He could see the module through his cockpit window now, coming closer fast. The solar panels were vibrating, the whole damn thing was wobbling around and rotating, the solar panels bending to and forth. He would never be able to dock on to this... he had to leave the spaceship and stabilize it manually ...

...Space resort "Skypalace Taigong" was officially opened on April 2nd 2021 with a capacity of 40 space tourists...

paper boy


Good to see you mojo starting to return  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.