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Logistics GB Final Rules

Started by TomZ, October 25, 2022, 06:54:03 AM

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Because of all the discussion in the rules thread Chris, Dave and me just want to make them easier to get to and I have created this new thread with just the rules and the final clarifications:

We present to you the Logistics GB rules as follows:

1.  The Logistics GB begins 00:01 Tuesday 1 November 2022 and ends 23:59 Tuesday 31 January 2023 (all times local).  An extension may/may not be considered/granted according to demand, Santa's generosity (or lack of it) and/or pecuniary overtures.

2.  Physical models of any scale, profiles, and/or stories are eligible, but they must be whiffery.  Entries can be as simple or as complex as you wish.  Just so you know what's in scope, logistics = transport/warehousing/storage and can be defined as follows:[/color] 'Logistics is the process of planning and executing the efficient transportation and storage of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption. The goal of logistics is to meet customer requirements in a timely, cost-effective manner.  Originally, logistics played the vital role of moving military personnel, equipment and goods. While logistics is as important as ever in the military, the term today is more commonly used in the context of moving commercial goods within the supply chain.' (
So, any means or mode of transportation/logistics (sea, air, land, space) and associated storage (buildings, containers, shelves (!), whether designed or modified for the role is in scope.  NOTE: only in the military context does logistics include the transport of personnel.  Military transports are therefore within the scope of the GB; however in a civilian context, pure passenger-carrying means of transport are NOT within the GB's scope.  If in doubt as to what's in scope then please PM the Mods.

3.  You may build, draw or write as many entries as you like (good luck!).  The posting of in-progress pictures is encouraged as always.  Back stories - however long or short - supporting physical models and profiles are always welcome and can be included in the finished entry thread.

4.  Preparation work is allowed prior to the start of the GB but is limited to removal and cleaning up of parts from sprues, casting blocks or cutting out vacform parts from their backing sheet, even designing and printing your own decals.  Anything involving modification of parts, test fitting, pre-painting and actual assembly is not allowed prior to the start of the GB.

5.  Eligibility of part-started models will be considered by the moderators. You should send a PM to them, explaining what you have done (pictures are a great help if you can include them) and they will decide, their decision being final.  However, scrapped models that have been reduced to component parts or sections may be allowed by the Moderators.

6.  No rule 6 - is there ever a rule 6? It's one rule or another so from now on it's 6.

7.  Moderators are Tom_Z and Kitbasher. Thank you, gentlemen.

8.  The completed entries thread will be locked at the end of the GB and shortly afterwards the poll will be set up.  The number of votes per forum member will depend upon the number of entries.  Keep your eyes out for updates!

9.  As decided previously by the Membership the first three placed entries in the Group Build will automatically be nominated for a Whiffy in a new, specific Group Build Class.

Further clarifications:

The GB rules have thrown up a number of forum posts and PMs seeking clarification on what was or wasn't in scope of the GB.   Thanks for these – some very good queries indeed (mostly concerning what 'logistics' means in a civilian context) - which we thought would be more easily answered through a single post, rather than multiple posts and PMs.

First off a quick recap of the definition of 'logistics' that appear in the rules – note the emphasis:

'Logistics is the process of planning and executing the efficient transportation and storage of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption. The goal of logistics is to meet customer requirements in a timely, cost-effective manner.  Originally, logistics played the vital role of moving military personnel, equipment and goods. While logistics is as important as ever in the military, the term today is more commonly used in the context of moving commercial goods within the supply chain.'

In addition, states that 'Logistics, or logistical planning, refers to the process that a business uses in order to coordinate its supply chain operations. It includes a wide variety of tasks and activities, such as managing how raw materials or inputs are acquired and transported to the business, how inventory and inputs are stored at the business' facilities, and how inventory is transported within the business and beyond.....Logistics can be thought of as the business function responsible for "getting the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price in the right condition to the right customer"'.

And if you're struggling to get to sleep at night, has a lot to say on the matter!  This should hopefully further clarify what logistics means in a purely civilian context.

So, if your planned entry is for something (aircraft, spacecraft, ship, submarine, boat, train, truck, bus, beast (or human) of burden – whatever) that is clearly designed/intended for, or converted to, a logistics role as per the definitions, then it is in scope, otherwise....

1.  Something designed to fulfil a pure civilian passenger function is out of scope. 

2.  Civilian multi-purpose transports (aircraft, trucks, ships, etc) designed to be used for a mix of passengers AND freight or a mix of these can be in scope.  For example, a 'combi' aircraft (Combi aircraft - Wikipedia) or a 'bruck' (Bruck (vehicle) - Wikipedia) will be in scope but a passenger-only equivalent that may occasionally carry some parcels/freight in the hold/baggage compartment (or on the roof) is not.  Please do ensure that the finished item (for instance, by a company name or logo on the model/profile) and/or the backstory makes this "mixed" use very clear.  So a BEA Vanguard would be out, but a BEA Merchantman would be in.
We've been asked if we can give a minimum percentage of freight but we cannot. Let it be enough that a significant portion of the transport should consist of freight.
3.  A locomotive with freight car, a tractor with a freight cart, a truck with trailer is in scope as the freight purpose is clear from the combination.  However, a locomotive with just a passenger car is NOT in scope.  Ditto a bus with a baggage trailer – that's luggage not goods or freight.

4.  A tractor, locomotive or articulated truck's tractor unit in itself, without any rail cars, wagons, trailers would only be in scope when the model/profile and/or back story makes it clear that it is meant for the logistics role.

5.  Construction vehicles, industrial plant, wreckers or tow trucks (and their equivalents elsewhere on land or on sea)  are not in scope, but a vehicle designed for the job of transporting multiple other vehicles from a factory to a dealership is..

6.  MILITARY transport, whether for personnel or freight is IN scope. That includes a APCs / IFVs. A tank carrying one soldier is not logistics, so not in scope.

7.  Civilian vehicles/aircraft/ships impressed into military service or chartered/'taken into trade' are in scope BUT a civilian aircraft in camouflage (e.g.  BOAC in WW2) is not UNLESS its principle use is to move freight.  This needs to be explained either in backstory and/or the model/profile.  In a purely British context, a number of chartered civil aircraft carried military serials and markings during the 1950 (e.g. – these are in scope.

8.  'Goods' includes livestock and bulk farm produce, but not mail, nor personal items (including baggage).

To close, a gentle request from the Mods:  Please do remember to post your finished entries in the 'Finished Entry' thread before the GB ends to ensure they are included in the subsequent Poll.

Sorry to labour the points above, we hope this helps and thank you for your understanding.

The Supreme Council of Moderators (a.k.a. Dave & Tom)
Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency


After receiving the usual requests and after a long an strenuous discussion, the moderators decided to extend this group build by two weeks.
This means that the GB will end on 23:59 Tuesday (wherever you might be) 14th of February 2023.

The moderators (Dave & Tom)
Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency