
Boeing beat to it, but didn't build it. So I will.

Started by McColm, September 17, 2023, 09:41:23 AM

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I have often wondered if there was a way to build a jet airliner version of the 1/72 Academy Boeing Stratoliner. However whilst reading the book 'Boeing
B-47 Stratojet And B-52 Stratofortress: Origins And Evolution ',Boeing had the same idea adding the wings, engines and vertical tail fin from the B-47.
Boeing Model 473-25. In the description the fuselage would have been stretched forward of the wings. The engines are switched around and fuel tanks under the outer wings.

The general seating layout.

Boeing had plans to use the wings from the B-52 also using a stretched fuselage of the Boeing Stratoliner but with the engines from the B-47.

The general seating layout and concept artwork.

I intend to build the Boeing Model 473-25, although it won't be an accurate scale model it will include the basic layout. Depending on my budget the fuselage won't be stretched but will resemble the line drawing as best I can.


Stratoliner fuselage (307) or Stratocruiser fuselage (367)?  Either way, looks interesting enough.