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Prince of Persia

Started by The Wooksta!, December 31, 2023, 03:54:18 PM

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The Wooksta!

For now a placeholder and the thread is misleading, as it's a title for a trio of Iranian Junkers aircraft.  They were flying F13s well into the 1930s and it's a really obscure but interesting area to model. Difficult too - reference photos are as rare as Sunderland AFC footballers in the Premier League and decals for the period are even more so.  I do have a back up plan.

The trio will comprise an F13, a G24 and a W34. There's also a possible Ju 86K, Heinkel 51 and an He 112.  The first was rumoured, but the other two are pure fiction.

The F13 will need disinterring from it's resting place in the loft and the W34 is yet to be delivered.

The G24 arrived yesterday and I was quite impressed with it.  It's an original edition VEB kit from the former East Germany and whilst that conjours up images of clunky kits that make 1950s Frog kits look like Tamiya, this one is a lot better than that.  A full interior with bulkheads and rather basic seats and quite restrained corrugated wings that are nearly the same span as a Ju 52/3m but a much shorter fuselage.  The lower wing piece is full span and sadly the trailing edges are rather thick.  In addition, there are some sink holes that given the corrugations will be a bugger to fix.  Thankfully, they're underneath, so I can ignore them.  The engines are a bit fiddly and the fuselage is going to be a pain to build.  Still, I've built a few Ju 52s in my time plus there are internal bulkheads which should help stiffen it up.

And the back up plan?  RAF - we may have impressed them following the invasion of Iran in WW2.

Scalemates says it's from 1988, which explains why it's so decent.  There's also a floatplane version, which would be handy for coastal patrol on the Caspian sea.  May have to get another.
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The Plan:


Curious to see how this comes out