
USN/USMC Superprops

Started by Spino, October 01, 2024, 03:22:46 PM

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Quote from: kerick on October 13, 2024, 07:02:08 PMJust adjust the story to say the Bearcats were taken out of storage in the boneyard and converted in +- 1964 for service in Vietnam. That should create more options for engines. That would be good research for me to do if I ever do my updated AP-61 Black Widow COIN aircraft.

Now there's an idea.  My original backstory for the F-8F was going to be something along the lines of "developed as a fast-climbing interceptor for escort carriers".  But that is certainly a possibility.  I did some digging and apparently there are a few options out there.  The GE T64 is theoretically possible, though it didn't get into production until something like 1968.  Then there's of course the Allison T56; I think probably the T56-A-7 of 4,050hp would be good.  It fits the timeline and has the kind of power output I want.  Unfortunately that means I really need to redesign the nose of the Bearcat  :banghead:

The twin intakes and dimensions are tailored specifically for a theoretical version of the T40 with a different gearbox, and even then it would have to have holes cut in the Bearcat's firewall for the exhaust pipes.  Ah well, the scoop look was what I was going for originally anyway, I had envisioned the Bearcat with a front end looking like the engine nacelle of an E-2.


There's the T-56 or also the T-55 engines. The T-55 was somewhat earlier that the T-56 so that could work if derated down to about 4000hp.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise

Rick Lowe

The French used the Bearcat in Vietnam; could they have bought a suitable turboprop (and technical expertise to install it) somewhere?


Piper Enforcer used a Lycoming YT55-L-9 turboprop, but that version might not be powerful enough? Perhaps one of the more powerful ones?


At risk of getting boring, there's always the Python too................
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



I'll look into the dimensions of those and see what I can model up.  I'm thinking the T56, but we'll see.  After looking at the Bearcat's current nose again, I don't know that I can bear to redo it completely, so I may just cut away the lower part and print a larger single air intake for the turboprop to fit in place of the two small ones.

Meantime I've got two sets of Tiny Tim rockets printed up, one in white (to be painted blue), and the other in OD green (with a coat of Testors steel paint on the motor section).  This should be more than enough for the Bearcat and the AU-2.  Also with some HVARs for good measure.  I'm debating about printing some Zunis for at least one of them instead of the HVARs, but we'll see.  I do have a few appropriate bombs, so there should be no shortage of ordinance.

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You need a few more Bearcat airframes to accommodate all the proposed powerplants  ;)  ;D  :wacko:


Quote from: perttime on October 14, 2024, 09:36:19 AMYou need a few more Bearcat airframes to accommodate all the proposed powerplants  ;)  ;D  :wacko:

Good point, if I couldn't settle on one I might be tempted to do one with each engine.  Would be a lot of Bearcats though!


Unfortunately shifting the timeframe to the mid 60s makes things somewhat problematic for the Bearcat.  It would have to be a ground pounder of some variety, and the F8F's limited range makes that rather problematic.  Maybe it would work over South Vietnam and Laos as faster CAS option than the A-1...


Well if I use this scoop intake that I modeled up, I should be able to cut away the underside of the current nose and make it look like there's an T56 there.

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I'll probably print this tomorrow and do a test fit.


Here's what we're dealing with now.  The underside of the nose has been cut away and the new intake printed and fitted.  I was rather sloppy with the cut job, so I'm going to have to rectify this with some hot glue and PSR, the former to reduce the amount needed of the latter.

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Now to print some jetpipes and some more stores pylons.


The Turbo-Bearcat has pylons and PSR started on the new intake.

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The new intake should make it look more burly  :thumbsup: