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Started by luft46models, June 05, 2005, 10:43:01 PM

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this is my latest project photographed a few weeks back - the idea behind it was suggested by a friend - it's basically a replacement to the Hellcat. I've since done the painting and am now decalling - scheme is Atlantic adapted for a twin engine. It will have 8 HVAR's. This is the MPM Xf5f Skyrocket - it's one of their early redbox efforts so lots of sanding and scraping of surfaces . The long nose is from another friend - he's got way too much time on his hands


Prop bosses are Fw190's - all I had, canopy is surprisingly good fit  


last one for now


Very interesting, and looking good so far.  I'm thinking that the cockpit looks awfully large, though, especially in relationship to the engines, if they were to be double-wasps.

Totally cool idea, though.  I often wonder about whiffing largely non-existant American twin-engined prop fighters/destroyers.  The Lightning and the F7f were true beauties.  Maybe if the Japanese had captured Pearl and began some kind of strategic bombing campaign in the Western US, there would've been more of those kinds of birds.


It remind me the argentinian Puccara  :wub:  
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story

Mike Wren

that's looking good, I've got the same Atlantic scheme planned for mine, don't know if I'll extend the nose though, quite like the wing-ahead-of-nose-look  :huh:  


I love that kit and you're doing a dang cool job with her. Can't wait to see her done up.
Getting back into modeling


Great looking interceptor !!!!   Looks like it would have gone like a bat out of hell...



I wish I could claim the nose job as mine but a much more skilled mate did it for me - way too much spare time on his hands

noxioux - cockpit is the way it came in the MPM kit - this is being done for a friend and as my login says this is way outside my field - I'm just building them as best I can :) OTOH if it was a Luft46 kit it would have much more detailing.

I finished the decals last night and if I can find the missing wheel ( don't ask - this kit has had more lost bits than I can believe - the carpet monster is on overtime ) then it and the HVAr's may go on tonight - As I'm going to Melb show on Sunday I have a serious deadline anyway.



Quotelast one for now
A picture finished would be welcome, I would be happy to add a Photoshoped Twin-Bobcat to the Twin-Bearcat & Twin-Hellcat...
I know this Twin-fuselage is not your subject, but it means your model and picture angles are much appreciated :)  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Looking VERY good. Can't wait to see the finished product.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Sorry guys - will do ASAP - have to get pics off the friend I gave it to - forgot to get pics before I handed it over - stay tuned please.




Did you get my PM?

Lemme know,

Wherever you go, there you are!



Looks cool man

Can't wait for the finished shots
Get this Cheese to sick bay!