
The last of the short nosed Wulfs.

Started by matrixone, July 01, 2005, 04:23:32 PM

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Thanks again Leigh!

I took more pics today and will post some of them on Monday, I am finding out that I will need to expand the size of my photobase if I plan on using forced perspective when I photograph these large scale models. Last week I bought the Ju 290 kit by Revell and this thing is HUGE, to effectively photograph such a large model I will have to expand my photobase and make a different backdrop to match it. The only hard part to the photobase expansion will be finding the right size plywood that will suit my needs.



Hey Matrixone I can't believe that I missed your post. Lovely job  :wub:  :wub:

Keep the pics coming.

I am hoping to get back into some Luftwaffe modelling soon. Just have to get a few projects out of the way.

Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Thanks Sisko!

I hope you do build some Luftwaffe stuff, it seems like I am the only one here that does.

Later today I will post some new pics of the 190, these new pics will include some detail shots.



I have been on a Sci-Fi binge at the moment but I do have some Luftwaffe waiting in the wings including my He-222.

I would ike to start now but I am the kind of modeller that once project is in the paint shop I can't stop until it is finished.

I am painting the VF-1 Heavy Armour from the Hasagawa Macross range and boy this is a tuff build. By tuff I mean imagine smashing your hand repeatedly with a hammer and you would be close. It is fiddly and the fit has been very ordinary and the paint job is complex.
It is the kind of kit that has had the classic stages of a build

1. Enthusiasm
2. Doubt
3. Frustration
4. Dissolution
5. Persaverance
6. Haste
7. Completion

Have yet to reach 7

Get this Cheese to sick bay!


I hope you do build some Luftwaffe stuff, it seems like I am the only one here that does.

Not for long mate my next two are gonna be Luftwaffe so P.M.s will be headed your way on camo ideas.

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models


Your He 222 project sounds killer!

That #6 on your list has nearly ruined a number of my builds. Haste makes waste.

Glad to hear you are making a couple German a/c types, I would be happy to offer suggestions if needed.



your work is just so darned nice to ... I was gonna sya look at but that would be insulting. It's work to study and learn from. Really great stuff!
Getting back into modeling


If My Wife Finds Out...,

Thanks very much for the more than kind words!

I will post better pics of this model soon.
