

Started by matrixone, July 31, 2005, 05:36:37 PM

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Thanks for answering greg.

I think it unlikely the hate mail comes from any of our group here on this site, I do post on other forums and I think it comes from some of them.

The insults and trashing my models I can deal with, what bugs me is why they do this, I just can't understand why someone would get so upset because our models are built and finished a little different than the ones they build.

For anybody to insult your wife over something you have written concerning scale models is amazing! I can understand your anger over such a low blow like that but it is so stupid it is stunning, you did a great job in your response to it.

You are right, it is best to delete these messages and move on. But it still angers me and am looking forward to building the Bf 109K in markings that are ''correct'' just to shut my critics mouths. :angry:



    They are called Joyless Modelling Nazis for a reason.  They have no joy in life because they live so deep "in the box" that they are begging to be gift wrapped.  Their entire universe is upset when someone dares to mess with it.  Personally I mess with them in several ways:

1.  I very rarely build any aircraft in the original markings it came out with.  In fact most of my builds are of the Venezuelan Air Force (I grew up in Venezuela).  JMNs as a rule tend to blow ridiculous amounts of hot air in a very limited scope, they might know the minutiae of a certain aircraft in a certain air force in a certain year- A latin american P-47 Thunderbolt messes with the JMNs royally.  I do however build my latin american subjects to as much accuracy as possible.  Their "brain" locks up when faced with this.  At the same time I also have found that the non-JMN finds this subject matter as "eye candy" when compared to Air superiority gray.  

2.  I make a point of also including at least one "what-if" when I compete.  If I can, it is something that will make the judges squirm.  For my next competition I plan on entering my heavily modified Revell USS Lionfish as the USS Seatiger (USS Balao during the filming of Operation Petticoat) in the appropriate ship category.  Is it hypothetical, is it real, it all depends on your point of view.

3.  I may not win in my category, but like the Jamaican Bobsledding team in their first Olympics I do capture people's imagination.  If that is not tweaking with the JMNs, I do not know what is.

If they are angry enough to send you flame mail, they obviously have nothing else in their sad excuse for a life.  Send them the address to Eli Lilly in response.  Eli Lilly is the manufacturer of Prozac, something these JMNs may be in need of.

Like you said: "Bring it On!"  :cheers:  
"As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefits of it?  It liberates you from convention."- from the novel WICKED by Gregory Maguire.
"I must really be crazy to be in a looney bin like this" - Jack Nicholson in the movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST



Today at work I was thinking about the hate mail and what you had written about the JMN's being so deep ''in the box'', and it occured to me why they don't like our models...THEY HATE US FOR OUR FREEDOM! :D

We are free to build, paint, and put on whatever national markings that we like on our models and have a good time doing it.
The JMN crowd are restricted to whatever information that they can dig up on their modeling subject. That can be stressful to the JMN worried about his (or her) own critics finding fault with the model.

Even if I could build the worlds best Bf 109K model it is likely a JMN will find fault with that one too! But at least I will be having fun building the model to the best of my ability.



QuoteI don't know why some people can't remember this is a hobby and not a history class, when I get comments like ''hey you idiot, can't you read the instructions?'' I really wonder what all the fuss is about.
I think the instructions meaning is just :mellow: : "this kit is for you to get personal fun :D  but if ever you don't know what to do with it, we suggest this..." The problem is that many modellers with empty brains want to be judged as the very best, thus their anger :angry:  towards the ones able to invent :wacko:  better... :)  :(  Maybe they are secretly jealous, we should forgive these poor fools :(  if we can, and I know it is very uneasy.
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]



We are free to build, paint, and put on whatever national markings that we like on our models and have a good time doing it.
The JMN crowd are restricted to whatever information that they can dig up on their modeling subject. That can be stressful to the JMN worried about his (or her) own critics finding fault with the model.

    Exactly!  Now you have to do that speech wearing a kilt and with a face painted blue (Scottish accent and Claymore sword optional). :cheers:  
"As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefits of it?  It liberates you from convention."- from the novel WICKED by Gregory Maguire.
"I must really be crazy to be in a looney bin like this" - Jack Nicholson in the movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST

Ian the Kiwi Herder

Guys it's an insecurity thing....

Dragon and Matrix, you're just about there. People who are insecure about anything lash-out at that very thing because they either do not understand it, do not want to understand it or it intimidates/scares them in some way..... A study was made of 'Queer Bashers' (a most distasteful phrase), was made in mid-eighties, it found that a majority of these animals were heavily insecure about their own sexuality !

Perhaps it is a simple case of them envying our freedom to express ourselves 'outside the box/instructions/available references.

Perhaps they see us as diluting the purity of the hobby (the N in JMN is looming large here).

Perhaps they genuinely don't get it !

Whatever the answer is (and I honestly don't KNOW what it is), let's just get on with our own thing and enjoy what we do, purely for the sake of it.

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


Thanks for the reply Tophe, dragon, and Ian.

I will just ignore any future ''hate mail'' and carry on with my modeling, at least I am having fun in this hobby unlike the JMN crowd.


John Howling Mouse

You know the really twisted thing is that many of the What If dudes on this site are equally fantastic at modeling scale depictions of "actual" subjects.  Way more so than I will ever be.  And I think they enjoy the research and quest for copying a real-world subject in miniature but they can switch gears into "out-of-the-box" thinking at will just as easily.

And I have always assumed that you, Matrixone, were one of these "real" subject modelers too since your models have that uncanny realism and accuracy about them.

It saddens me a bit that you feel you must build a model of a "real" aircraft just to show them that you can.  I would encourage you only to build a "real" model if you ENJOY building a real model.

I cannot begin to comprehend anyone going to the trouble of sending an artist hate mail unless the sender was very seriously intimidated by and/or jealous of the artist's obvious talent and vision.

Even then, I can't fathom typing a note to someone I've never met to tell them what I don't like about their work.

Bizarre little planet you humans have here, eh?   :(

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


QuoteI cannot begin to comprehend anyone going to the trouble of sending an artist hate mail unless the sender was very seriously intimidated by and/or jealous of the artist's obvious talent and vision.
Even then, I can't fathom typing a note to someone I've never met to tell them what I don't like about their work.
Yes, I think this is the main point, thanks Barry. Our situation is the same as an artist being hated by photographers shouting what he does is not good at all! Jealousy... Some tries to invent/paint do please almost no one, but if they provide joy to the non-professional painter, that is nice in itself, peaceful and innocent, according to me. And if some loves the painting, that is even better, enriching the sad World named Reality with extra smiles that would not have appeared if Real fanatics were ruling all. The ones not liking at all a creation should just turn away and find something they prefer, other invention or Reality as they want personnaly, but should not spit on the artist nor insult him/her... :(  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Hey matrixone,

Jeeze man I have just come into this thread and seen that you have been getting let me get this right hate e-mail!!!!!!

Over a freakin model!!!!

Boy what is this hobby coming to!!!!!

When I saw your re-engined zero I naturally thought that it was a prototype used  to evaluate their use aboard the new japanese built Kreigsmarine carriers!

Oh by the way love the model:wub:  :wub:

Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Thanks for the reply John, Tophe, and Sisko.

I started out years ago building models in ''real'' markings but as my decal stash grew I began to drift away from marking my models like the kit instructions had shown and now that there are many very good decal sheets on the market I might not ever use kit decals again.
I am building this Bf 109K-4 to show the JMN crowd I can build a ''real'' model almost as good as them to shut up my critics and also because the Bf 109K has long been my favorite ''109'' and have wanted to build one every since Hasegawa released their large scale kit.

You may be right, it just might be they are jealous that we have imagination and effectively use that imagination in our modeling, JMN's are model assemblers ''What-Ifs'' are artists.

Getting hate mail over a model is downright silly but anytime we post pictures of our models on the modeling forums not everyone will like the model and if its a ''what-if'' model watch out, it can upset the weak minded.



I don't care how old this topic is, it JUST LOOKS SO COOL! I have to do one now! I thank you and my wallet thanks you, Matrixone! You have made our world a better place!



Thanks for looking at my work and glad you like the pics.
Were it not for the internet no one else would see any of my models, I live in a rural area where there are no modeling clubs or even other modelers within reasonable driving distance.
