My RNZAF MD500 "Fantail"

Started by K5054NZ, February 16, 2006, 02:24:22 PM

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This is copied from my post at ARC - this is my entry into their Helicopter GB. Don't tell them, but I started this in early January, and the GB didn't start until the first of this month. But it's okay as there is a "25%" rule.

"G'day all
Sorry I didn't get here sooner, I just moved into a new place with my girlfriend, so that and my job had to take priority. But now, Friday, so I have a dedicated modeling day!

In 1984, the New Zealand government, under David Lange, took the decision to take a new look at the nation's defence capability. The Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) was put under the microscope right off the blocks, with issues arising regarding the nation's strike capability and air mobility. Amongst the major purchases were eight BAe Eagle aircraft (the production version of the BAC TSR.2), several BAe Hawk trainers to replace the aging Strikemasters then in use, and a helicopter role new to the RNZAF - the gunship.

Many options were looked at - Bell Helicopter Textron offered the AH-1 Cobra, modified for New Zealand requirements as the AH-1K Kiwi Cobra, MBB the Bo105TOW, and McDonnell Douglas the MD500 Defender. It was the Defender that the RNZAF buying team took an intense interest in. The type had been used by civil operators in New Zealand since the early 1970s for the difficult task of deer hunting and recovery. Due to the fact that more than 30 were then in private operation in the country, spares sourcing would be a relatively simple task. An order for seven aircraft (one for spares and attrition) was placed in late 1984, coinciding with the purchase of the other new types. Crews from No. 3 Sqn RNZAF underwent conversion training at MDD's facility at Mesa, CA.

The aircraft were delivered during March of 1985 on board the freighter Direct Kookaburra. Offloaded at RNZAF Base Whenuapai, they were assembled and delivered to their new base, Hobsonville, a short flight of five minutes to the east. The aircraft were allocated serials in the block NZ690x. For New Zealand service the aircraft lost the title "Defender" and became the "Fantail" (after the bird Rhipidura fulginosa, a small and nimble animal seen in most New Zealand gardens).

This model is going to be painted in the three-tone camouflage used by the Strikemaster trainers and A-4K Skyhawks reminiscent of SEA camo, with two RNZAF roundels and the number "02". In the picture above you can see the cockpit controls and rotorhead components painted in a light grey colour (as per the UH-1s used in the RNZAF).

I'm toying with the idea of having this bird undergoing service, with an engine panel off and the Allison visible. In this photo you can clearly see the windscreen with TOW sight, the cockpit and the "engine". I'll post more updates as the project progresses. This'll be my final 1:72 MD500 build - it was the first kit I ever built, and it's a bittersweet goodbye."

I'll toy with the backstory more later (combat, peacekeeping, anti-poaching patrols, TOW capability etc etc), but for now, that's it. I'm gonna work on my two Piper Enforcer ripoffs, fixing my Venom kitbash and other stuff. Enjoy the wiffery!


Well!! ... you moved into a new place with Lana??!! :o

:P  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Just jocking!!

Very cool idea! I fall in love with the AH-6 since I saw a dozen of them in "Black Hawk Down"! B)  
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story