a Shadow fighter,

Started by Glenn, February 27, 2006, 12:25:44 AM

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Just after leaving HyperSpace, this Shadow fighter image was captured by a StarFury from Alpha Squadron. Details of the encounter are not open to the public, but the image found it's way to InterStelarNews.

Models construction: Basic MDF covered with Automotive Bog. Then sprayed with gloss black paint, and then panels over painted in Tamiya Violet. Finally, full surface covered with gliter mixed with PVA glue.

Scene : Back drop space scene, black matt sprayed with stars, model placed on board, and shot High Resolution. Once shot was cropped, finished with Adobe Filters, clicking onto Motion Blur. This gives the appearance of speed.



Very cool!  I like how you did the mottled skin coloring.



Must...  resist...  putting on...  Anal-retentive Sci-Fi Fan Hat!!!!!   AAARRGGHHHH!!!!!!

(Anthony becomes his old alias as he was known in the Babylon 5 Wars world, Hyperion, because he really can't stop himself.  The ARSFF is the Sci-Fi equivalent of JMN, though there are differing breeds of this creature.  It all began with "Trekkies" back in...)


(returning to normal)

Seeing B5 stuff causes me to go all Jeckyl and Hyde.

Very cool model, especially if it brings that other me back from Beyond the Rim.

:cheers:  :cheers:
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