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Started by John Howling Mouse, May 29, 2005, 05:38:35 PM

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The Soviets had some really attractive tactical schemes, perhaps more relevant to the later MiG-21Mf and bis models.

I've a we go again, to update a Mig along the lines of Romania's "Lancer"...lots of fun!

Go on, Baz, what'll it be as? :rolleyes:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Quotereally turned me onto Academy as a quality manufacturer at a decent price.
I think Academy is the only mainstream manufacturer that I've never bought a kit of...
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Well, I LOVE MiG21's . Although I've only built in 72nd scale. All my Fujimi ones have gone together like a dream, even the old KP one I built went together pretty well. I've also built one of the Zvezda MiG's as well and they go together well also. I think the MiG21 is one of my favourite builds. Also, seeing a real one at the Midlads air museum last October was a real treat. Amazingly it was still fully airworthy (well, thats what our guide said) and was comparable in size to the F014 and Lightning.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


On the plus side, the recessed panels & rivet detail looks very nice!

John, if you are having real trouble with sanding the putty, I find acetone works well to smooth it out. It flashes off before it can mar the styrene, but is hot enough to work on the putty.  

John Howling Mouse

Zac: the SBD is under the glass bowl as it was a gift to my wife (I handpainted "Cats Paws" as its nose-art) that I don't want to get dusty.  I should really put it in one of those clear plastic AMT display cases.

Rally/Leigh: Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Academy kits.  But, pics don't lie (well they do, but I don't) and this sucker's got putty at every joint and it sure ain't 'cause I like doing putty!  Now that I've switched to Bondo's red glazing putty for the final finish, you can more clearly see some of the locations where I had to apply putty.  As I had mentioned, the gaps were very narrow (1 mm or less) but very "deep" and prominent.  And everywhere I've got to sand putty, there's some sort of a raised hump or two in the way.  I keep stabbing myself on the wing/tail/fin tips!!  It's kinda funny, actually.

My hat's definitely off to those who can turn this out in a flawless factory-fresh NMF, that's for sure!

As for a scheme, I'm torn b/w doing a realistic Soviet-era scheme and doing a What If specific for my preferred modelling colleagues (you guys!).

B777LR: That is a great idea for a switched scheme.  For mine, I'm hoping to do a NMF scheme of some sort, though.

Nev: I certainly wouldn't want to put you off Academy kits.  They will amaze you with their surface details, even in 1:72 scale.  Anyone here who has seen me hack into styrene knows I am not a perfectionist by any means, it's just that the putty requirements on this one seems to be in the tightest, least accessible spots.

And I keep stabbing myself as I sand the darn thing (I know I said that already)!

Ginge: I have read of that acetone trick.  Will try it next time.

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.



Rally/Leigh: Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Academy kits.  But, pics don't lie (well they do, but I don't) and this sucker's got putty at every joint and it sure ain't 'cause I like doing putty!  

Ginge: I have read of that acetone trick.  Will try it next time.

Put a strip of masking tape on the sides of the seam before you putty, then use the acetone or nail polish remover, then pull the masking tape you get minimal clean up.

Barry you're entitled to your opinion/feelings about any kit I'm just suprised that we've both built the same kit with completely different results.

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models

John Howling Mouse


Rally/Leigh: Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Academy kits.  But, pics don't lie (well they do, but I don't) and this sucker's got putty at every joint and it sure ain't 'cause I like doing putty! 

Ginge: I have read of that acetone trick.  Will try it next time.

Put a strip of masking tape on the sides of the seam before you putty, then use the acetone or nail polish remover, then pull the masking tape you get minimal clean up.

Barry you're entitled to your opinion/feelings about any kit I'm just suprised that we've both built the same kit with completely different results.
Started with the usual taping technique (but no acetone) and ending up sanding all over the place, anyhow.

As for me having trouble with a shake and paint kit, are you kidding?
This is ME we're talking about!   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Hey -- I didn't SAY that I disliked the OEZ kit...just the masochist in me. I love old Soviet Bloc kits. Something about them. Something kinda basic.

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D