CV-122 Osprey in 1/48

Started by Ginge!, March 04, 2006, 12:29:50 PM

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OK, here goes my first purpose-built WIF aircraft. As the title says, its going to be a Canadian version of the Osprey. Maybe this is not even a what-if, but a what-may-very-well-be if Harper et al can get Canada a Wasp-class ship!

Here we sit at D+1. First impressions... if you think this is up the standard of Italeri's helicopters, then you would be wrong. This one belongs in the Shitaleri pile!

However, if you want a 1/48 Osprey, then "Suck it up, buttercup!", cause this is the only game in town.

This is a big bird. Posed next to a 1/48 Stug (the only 1/48 kit I had handy), you can see the width with the rotors.


The wing assembly fit was pretty rough. Viewed from the inside, the fuselage shoulder fairing has a nasty gap that was treated with some CA for strength.


The cockpit side glass was however an excellent fit. Here it is with a coat of humbrol latex mask on before I paint the inside of the pit


The engines are pretty basic - 2 halves and a front bit, plus an internal exhaust. I said I'd build this OTB, but I had a small scrap of mesh that when cut into 4 strips provided just enough to cover the large side intakes.

Engine fit wasn't too bad, but with the sanding, I expect to loose a lot of the raised surface detail (what little there is anyways!)


The wing halves have been sanded in this photo, but I have yet to fill & sand the tip extension which houses the engine pivoting mechanism. Check out all that great detail on the wing surface :rolleyes:


Back side of the props. Nuff said:


Last one for the week - I'm off for a week to CFB Borden for some Arrrrrrmy Training.



Awwwwww.........that's all you're showing us? Tease! :P