Building the cheap way.

Started by salt6, October 08, 2002, 09:06:25 PM

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Jody the "Loachnut"

Ok, here's some of the things I do to keep my hobby as cheap as possible.
1. Sanding sticks- I go to the make up area of the store and buy the packs of fingernail buffing sticks. They come in many different grades from very course to very fine.
2. While in the make up area of the store, I get some fingernail polish remover. It's great for removing tape residue.
3. Canopy polishing- Toothepaste is a great polishing compound.
4. Paints- I go to the craft department and buy the craft paint. The brand I buy is from Apple Barrell. It's acrylic paint and it comes in 2oz. bottles. It's pretty thick, so thinning only makes it last much longer. And the best part, it's only .40 cents a bottle.
5. Knife blades- I buy the large packs of x-acto blades at the local thrift store.

Well, that's only a few cheap tricks I use.
Remember, the cheaper the supplies, the more models you can buy.