Started by wolfik, March 23, 2006, 04:51:06 PM

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John Howling Mouse

Okay, so not only does his modeling blow me away but even his *presentation* of the bits in his pics are cool.

Packing up me modeling bench now!   ;)  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


What scale is this one in?  I'm definitely interested.  For the Sea-Typhoon, I've got the issue of "Unknown" that has drawings, I'll be glad to supply same.  It would be interesting to see one modified like the Tempest II to take a radial engine.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


QuoteWhat scale is this one in?  I'm definitely interested.  For the Sea-Typhoon, I've got the issue of "Unknown" that has drawings, I'll be glad to supply same.  It would be interesting to see one modified like the Tempest II to take a radial engine.
Uh? Are you speaking of a Radial Sea-Typhoon? or a (more interesting for me) Radial FTB Mustang??? :blink:  :wacko:  :wub:
Well, this could be interesting: a Mustang with a central radial engine, like the Piaggio P.119...:

(from with 1/72 kit at )
I would not say "impossible to scratch-build that much" because: who knows what can be done by the best of us (not me)?
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Radial-engined Sea-Typhoon.  I suspect that trying to cool a radial engine in a FTB Mustang would be challenging, though I wonder if you could develop a liquid-cooled version of an existing radial engine?  Wright "Tornado" engine, perhaps?  The FTB with that might end up looking like the proposed Republic AP-18, XP-69.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


I think I need this too.  Please add me to the list!


hi all!  :cheers:
I have a request guys.
any who is definitely interested please email me directly at ok?
so i can made a list and email any and send him his kit after it was realised .
thanks for your interest  :wub:
I think the next one will be the Sea Typhoon (inline at this time  B) )
some guys at hyperscale says about the incorrect building of my FTB because it was (would be) realized on the basic A mustang type (like the one from Accurate/ICM). ...hmhmm...
Im building at this time the version of the Marine Stuka with folded wings as master and it will be realized too.the wapons included would be optionally the torpedo or bombentorpedo BT750.
the Sea Typhoon will be available in two options.with folded and unfolded wings.the version with unfolded wings is really big because of the much greater wing span of this aircraft.! will say the most interesting option is the one build by me .one wing folded and one unfolded?
any kit will be realized in the 1/48 scale but the idea to make some in 1/72 is perceived and will be realized in the future possible.but at this time the most interest known dealers is the bigger 1/48 scale...
regrads and thanks again for any interest! :cheers:


hi all  :cheers:
I got some great drawings and pictures scanned from a book from a "friend".
I will say "friend" because I dont know about the problems he would have because the copyright  :ar:
you know...some things are not so "easy" in our life  :dum:
the pictures shows the FTB and my kit ...I think its not so incorrect ?I worked only from small drawings :wub:



[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Perfect match Wolfik

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


You said that you would be selling some, but how will we pay?


This is gonna sound really stupid... and please forgive my ignorance, but how in the heavens do you do that? I just can't wrap my head around it.  
Getting back into modeling

John Howling Mouse

QuoteThis is gonna sound really stupid... and please forgive my ignorance, but how in the heavens do you do that?
It's magic.  Really.  Styrene magic.   ;)  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


thanks all  :cheers:
how to pay? you want....paypal,money or in kind  :blink:

I hope I can post next week the first pictures of the Sea Typhoon.both kits will be available in may....last days are being to crazy...and it was no time to think about models...not to mention to build one

best regards to all here!
the Intermodellbau in dortmund here in germany is a full desaster... :dum:
looks like a seniors meeting  :zzz:
I buyed no one kit!!!!!! and its like blasphemy!!!


QuoteI buyed no one kit!!!!!! and its like blasphemy!!!
That's terrible, I feel sad for you. Better luck at Telford!

This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson