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I'm not dead yet!

Started by Joe C-P, June 06, 2006, 10:23:11 AM

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Joe C-P

Another model will soon (finally!) emerge that, well, predates this group build's early time limit, but sod that.  :P

In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


hahaha, the mighty soviet navy sails again.
beware all you Capitalist pigs, the soviet union shall rize again.

:tank:  :tank:  :tank:  :tank:
:tornado:  :tornado:

cant wait to see it, what is it  :blink:  
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Can't wait to see - I've got a Soviet Navy bird on the planning board too.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Joe C-P


I manage to screw up the canopy, but I have a spare. :rolleyes: I blame the capitalists spiking my vodka! By this weekend I hope to have it done.

Commissar Iosef R
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


And where is it?


Joe C-P

I'm having a bl**dy time getting this thing done. The buffing metalizer gets onto everything! There must be capitalist running dog gremlins hiding behind my vodka botta.

Iosef R
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.

Captain Canada

I've got one still infinished as well, Joe ! Maybe I can get cracking on it, too !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?



Is GLORIOUS day to be missing a thread, reviving this long thought dead challenge to the capitalistic running dog West!!!

How could I have managed to not notice that my socialist brothers were again engaging the lazy and decadent West in combat?!  Ah, yes, I now remember...  I was undercover, celebrating an extended Adherance-to-misguided-Independance Day celebrations.

Comrades, the Northern Red Banner Fleet will sail again to do battle with cowardly NATO!  Soon, comrades... quite soon...


Comrade Captain Anatoly Iosef Pakizorich, Naval Aviation Bureau
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man

Joe C-P

It is done! Photographs will be posted this weekend to frighten the lazy capitalist running dogs!

Now, I go celebrate with a big mug of frosty... uhh... vodka!  :cheers:

Commissar Iosef R
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.