

Started by philp, August 10, 2006, 12:35:51 AM

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Got most of the painting done on my Korean F-47 (which could have been in the 1 wk group build but I started it early) and am ready to do decals but now I am stuck.
The decals that come with the Academy F-51 show national markings on the right wings.  I have 3 different Squadron books on Korea and they indicate that the markings were painted over the US markings which would be on the left wings?

There is one pic in the Squadron books showing the marking on the top right wing and based on the numbers on the plane, it appears not to be a reversed shot (hate those things) but when I search online I get markings under one wing or the other and some showing markings on both wings???

Anybody got any other info, pics etc in your books to support one way or the other or was it just, whatever they felt like at the time?

under left wing

not under left wing

under right wing

here is a build up with markings on both wings.

a die cast also with markings on both wings.

Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies

Jeffry Fontaine

It could very well be a simple matter of a reversed image that you are dealing with.  With no real method to determine if the image is reversed unless you have access to the original negative it would be hard to make a call on which was right or wrong.  The other images have established features to determine that they are correct but that first image of the aircraft in flight has insufficient references to make a good call on whether it is reversed or Gomer and Goober just didn't know which side they were painting the roundels on.  

If you have other period reference images to go with, and they all show the roundel under the other wing, I would recommend that you consider placement in the same place.  
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


I took a look in a P-51 book I have.  It has one South Korean Mustang picture, with only the lower wing surfaces visible.  It has no marking under the LH wing, only right.
So I got that going for me...which is nice....

Runway ? ...

Probably not much use to you but with regard to flipped images. If you've got colour originals look for nav lights, they might be clear enough in your originals to tell you what side you're really looking at, also look for anything you know to be asymmetric in the original eg pitot tubes or wing mounted aerials. If the aircraft is static a prop might betray a flip as they'll rotate the wrong way.

Just my £.02

John Howling Mouse

QuoteIt could very well be a simple matter of a reversed image that you are dealing with.  With no real method to determine if the image is reversed unless you have access to the original negative it would be hard to make a call on which was right or wrong.  The other images have established features to determine that they are correct but that first image of the aircraft in flight has insufficient references to make a good call on whether it is reversed or Gomer and Goober just didn't know which side they were painting the roundels on.  

If you have other period reference images to go with, and they all show the roundel under the other wing, I would recommend that you consider placement in the same place.
Actually, each of the images shown here *are* identifiable as being in correct orientation: the underwing nav lights are on the correct side of the plane in the first pic and the "K" in the remaining pics verifies that they too were printed correctly.

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Hey I thought that was a Pepsi sport plane for a second!  :dum:

Looks great Philip!
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

Jeffry Fontaine

QuoteActually, each of the images shown here *are* identifiable as being in correct orientation: the underwing nav lights are on the correct side of the plane in the first pic and the "K" in the remaining pics verifies that they too were printed correctly.
Barry, thanks for the clarification.  At 01:00 this morning, looking for navigation light placement was about the last thing I would have considered.  Another excuse is that I am not a P-51 Mustang addict and had no idea where the navigation lights should be on that aircraft.  
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


QuoteHey I thought that was a Pepsi sport plane for a second!  :dum:

Looks great Philip!
uh, thanks Jeff but those aren't my builds.  Just found them on the web looking for something to help with my dilemma.

Got a couple other responses on other forums (oops, did I say that) and so far other pics have the markings on top of the right wings but not sure if they should be on both.

Will probably do mine the same way the kit decals show and if I am wrong... who cares.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies

Runway ? ...

Dude, if you're happy with it then it's fact. If somebody proves otherwise then it's a Whiff. Else join me in the JMN horde . . . . j O i n n . . u s s, . . . j O i n n . . u s s . . . .



Well, guess I should READ the posts instead of skimming them  :dum:

Very nice job of finding that reference pic Philip  :lol:  
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


I for one can't wait to see pics of the build! As I have plans for SAAF and ROKAF F-47Ns....
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.