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Deadline Extended

Started by Brian da Basher, August 24, 2006, 06:47:44 AM

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Brian da Basher

Hello folks,
    Due to overwhelming (ok there were two posts on the subject) demand, I've decided to exercize my vast power and extend the deadline for the Vac GB until 11:59 PM Sunday, October 1st in each entrant's respective timezone. Voting will begin promptly at 12 AM, Monday, October 2nd (1 minute after the deadline for entries) and continue until 12 AM, Monday, October 9th, with the votes being tallied and a winner announced the next day, Tuesday, October 10th. Good luck to all and thanks for participating!
Brian da Basher


John Howling Mouse

Yes, thanks.  Now, ah, could you extend any of my job-related project deadlines, by any chance????

Pretty please?

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.