
Who likes Meteors then?

Started by P1127, September 06, 2006, 05:12:00 PM

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Well the engines are scratch built, but I did use something that was available.  I have some photos of the aircraft taken from different angles and I also got a three view drawing of it too.  This I got from Steve Gardner (ex-production manager at Aircraft in Miniature).

From the photos I guessed that the engine nacelles looked a lot like the BAC 1-11 engine nacelles and also the right size, so I had written to AIM when Steve was still there asking if I could buy just the nacelles from the AIM 1-11 kit, which I was able to do and Steve had asked if I had a 3 view drawing of it, which I said I didn't and he was very kind to send me a copy when the nacelle bits were sent.

When I got them I realized that there was quite a bit of fixing to do to make them look like the F-2 nacelles and some manipulating had to be done to the nacelle intake area to get the right look.  I used a modified compressor front from an Airfix E-3 I think (can't remember right now) but then I found that the rear nacelle wasn't the right shape at all.  What I used was the rear fuselage of an Attacker which gave a reasonable look.  The tail pipes were made from a drinking straw I think, which came from a DQ drink/shake or something.

For the wing I cut the original nacelles out completely, the top wing half at the point just outboard of the nacelle and replaced the whole section back to the fuselage with card.  The bottom wing half I just cut out the nacelle shape as I needed the wheel bays.

The rest was a matter of plastic putty, Milliput and a lot of sanding.

The photos I have of the aircraft shows that it had a spin parachute housing added to the rear of the fin in line with the horizontal tail surfaces and also that there wasn't the 'bullet' at the leading edge.  In my photos of the model I haven't got around to adding the parachute housing yet, nor have I added all the fixed aerofoils inside of the nacelle air intake.  I'm a little bit confused as to how many should be in there as photos and/or drawings seem to disagree, it could be six or eight.  I've not been able to confirm either way, does anyone know for sure?

Don't forget to delete the gun barrel bulges and fill the hole in as this aircraft wasn't equiped with guns as it was purely a Engine Test Bed.  These aircraft were refered to as a Rampage (which was a code name for the Meteor) as the name Meteor hadn't been given to the aircraft at that time.

:cheers: Robert
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


QuoteWell if it's Special Hobby my guess would be £10 to £14 ?


It's been priced at £11-95 - now where's my "Morning Post" ? :P  
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.