
Mirage G building...

Started by Archibald, September 20, 2006, 08:34:42 AM

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QuoteYou say that it's impossible to find styrens sheets in France? Bloody hell, with Heller bankrupcy, this fact reveal the poor state of the models in France today...
Not in France, but in Lyon... But well, it's the second or third city in France, with more than a million inhabitants, and impossible to find a good hobby shop!!
Incredible!  :angry:

I asked for some styrene in a shop few months ago, and they even didn't know what styrene is!! I explained to them, and they answered that "those strange "styrene sheets" your talking about are only good for thoses guys in the movie special effects or for thoses crazy whiffers"...
Well, what can I add to that??

So yes, I agree with you, except some really good shops in Paris (I think about "Flight 66" for example) and maybe in other cities, the modelers' hobby is in a pity state. :(  

For the moment, I have no other choice than cannibalize some models in order to "whif" the others. My Mirage F1's horizontal tails were used to creat the F-117's canards, the Alpha Jet wings will be used on the rhomboïdal winged Mirage F1 etc etc...

QuoteThere's also this Mirage-3000 (a Mirage 2000 with Tornado rear end ?)
Oh, I forgot: I just checked this with my model and now I could confirm that the better solution to do the Mirage 3000 is not to use theTornado rear end but... the Typhoon one!!
I explain: the Tornado rear part is very straight and big, very difficult to adapt on the Mirage 2000...
But the Typhoon end is largely more usefull!!
First, the Typhoon is a Delta winged plane and the position of its wings are quite the same than the Mirage's...
Second, the Typhoon rear fuselage has more curves than the Tornado's... And if you cut the Typhoon's and the Mirage's fuselages at the right place, you could have a new fuselage that respect the Area Rule... A good point, right?
Third and last, the Typhoon was initially powered with the Tornado engines... In the Revell box, there were the RB.199 exhaust, but you could use some exhaust from a Tornado box, of course...

Well, in my opinion, that's the best way to have a Mirage 3000... Better tan using a Tornado or a Rafale rear part...

And well, you really have to try the putty!! it could replace cardbroad for many uses (particulary in the fuselage jonctions) with a result far better! For me, it was a revoution...
I bought a Testors Putty tube for 4€ last year, I think its quite easy to find.

        Is this Mirage 3000 kitbash talk pure what-iffing or has a drawing finally come to light? I know the 3000 design isn't a what-if, but a real proposal, but I'm just inquiring about a drawing vs the kitbash.


Well, there still is no picture of this Mirage 3000 project published; sadly...

A friend of mine who used to worked shortly for Dassault's studies department told me once that he shortly saw a drawing of an "unknow twin engined Mirage more little than the Mirage 4000"...
It was probably the Mirage 3000, but it was just a... well, what is the word in English? Sketch? Outline? Whatever, it was not a reall project, just an idea that never came very far...
"laissez mes armées être les rochers et les arbres et les oiseaux dans le ciel"

Coming Soon in Alternate History:
-Battlefleet Galactica
-Republic of Libertalia: a modern Pirate Story


I have the "aviation project" bible with me.. I mean, British secret projects (fighters).
They say that the (very first) studies which led to the Typhoon started in october 1978 (the Mirage 2000 flew in march). It was the ECF, a British-German project.
Later, in october 1979, France joined the two creating the ECA. The project collapsed in march 1981...I'm asking if the Mirage-3000 was not a low-cost alternative to this ECA. With it's Mirage-2000 forward part, and Tornado rear part, it really look like a kind of "european compromise".  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.