Fictional Stealth LDs?

Started by Phnx28, December 03, 2006, 09:38:40 PM

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I've been digging around for F/A-37 Talon and MiG-31 Firefox drawings to scheme up for several profile threads I've got running or planned, but so far no luck. Anyone here have any? Perhaps even some other countries' fictional/whiffer designs of similar performance? :huh: (Mach 3-3.5 supercruise, Mach 4+ max velocities) Any designs received will naturally be accredited on use, and with my utmost thanks in the bargain. :tornado:  


How's this for Firefox?

Have a look here for more.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Many thanks; that should be traceable or such fairly easily since the grid is provided. Talon schematics are the real problem to find though :wacko:, since all I've dug up thus far are the carrier-deck photos from Stealth. Anybody here seen any story with French or British fighters in the Firefox/Talon performance class?


JC Carbonel

Many variants of the Blue Triangle supersonic VTO of RCAF appear in the early Dan Cooper Graphic Novels ...




Those just might Hatchet, though canards and fins will need some detailing to get the Talon proper out of the generic Switchblade. Barring a miracle this is the least I'd have to do anyway with how my own search is going, so it'll be a spell before my Talon profiles arrive. -_-
Blue Triangle, however, is easy to do from the pics I've seen so far; suffice it to say Eurofighter isn't going anywhere once the Firefox's debut pulls this baby out of the obscure-designs dustbin in my main thread... B) Any info on its precise specs, JCC? My comics budget is a bit short at the moment.
