Interesting Editorial at MM

Started by Maverick, December 21, 2006, 11:53:46 AM

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Greg & all,

I think that a lot of things came together to cause that review.  First off, the kit is poorly done.  As Whiffers we might be used to that, given the nature of most of our subject matter is either hypothetical or, at best, served through garage and "limited run" kit manufacturers.  Also, most whiffing that I've seen here is usually done in 72nd or smaller scale.  At that scale, lack of details or incorrect detailing in the original kit is not as readily apparent.

This Mustang kit we're talking about is nowhere near that small.  And nor was it to be the subject of a Whiff.  At the size of that kit, given its subject, and given its manufacturer, the poor quality of the kit is inexcusable.  To make matters worse, DML really poured salt into the wound by their arrogant customer "service" statements.  That was very much thumbing their noses at the very target market which they were attempting to see that kit to.

Given all that, I think it hardly surprising that it got that sort of review.

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