
Gannet Paint Query

Started by upnorth, February 23, 2007, 04:07:53 AM

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I should know better than to ask an accuracy related question here, but as several British folks are here and might have a real Gannet in their locality....

According to my information, the Gannet had "Sky" undersides, would this be the same "Sky" colour as used for RAF fighter fuselage bands during WWII or was there a different post war "Sky" too?

I ask this because looking at pictures of Gannets on the net, I can't quite figure out how much or how little green is on their underside, some don't seem to have any at all, just a really light grey underneath.

I have a bottle of Gunze Aqueous Hobby Colour (#H74) which they market as "Sky" but it looks almost too green by the Gannet pics I've seen. Would it actually be a pretty good match for what went on them?

Thanks in advance.
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This is one of "Those" subjects.

The whole area of "Sky" is very confusing all I will say is that there was a difference between the war time and the post-war shades.

I use Tamiya Sky for the wartime shade (thanks to Radish & Dork for that info) & Xtracrylic for the post-war shade

Radish & the Wookster amongst many others on site would be more knowledgeable then me.

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


That's essentially correct, although I try not to be too pedantic about the *exact* shade of WWII Sky (or any other color for that matter).  My belief is that the 'standardized' WWII shade (ie: after the BoB was well over) was somewhat less green and more grey.  The post-war shade is a little greener and less grey (ie: slightly brighter in intensity).  That's what you want to use on your Gannet.

I agree that the Xtracrylics is probably the best match for post-war, and Tamiya for wartime.

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


People who have studied the colour have told me that there is little difference to the naked eye between WW2 and post wasr Sky
It's not an effing  jump jet.