
"decal" Strip For Canopy Frames ?

Started by NARSES2, April 07, 2007, 01:31:00 AM

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The vac form canopy of my Ki 98 had no frame lines so I thought I'd try painted Decal strips for the first time.

Duly painted some microscale 1/16" strips IJAF green and let them dry. When I trimmed them and floated them in water they broke up  :(  I used Tamiya paint straight onto the strip.

Should I have coated them in liquid decal film first ? Anyone know what I did wrong ?

Thanks in advance

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Mike Wren

Chris, I've used sellotape once or twice for this, it gives a slight 3D effect which also makes it easier to repaint any spots where the paint comes off


Narses, yes you need to coat them in film.  Microscale makes a liquid decal film you can brush on - it looks like a mess when it's wet, but when it dries it evens itself out like Future/Klear/Whatever.  Alternatively, if you have Testor's Metalizer Sealer, that works too - shoot it through an airbrush.  Humbrol's line of clearcoats might work too but don't take my word on it.
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"


It totally depends on how old your Microsnail decal film is.  They went through a phase some time back where their clear film was *very* fragile.  They switched brands and the situation improved.  I've got some 8.5x11" sheets of clear film from them that I got in the mid-1990s that's just fine.

The problem is, there's no way to tell one from the other without testing it out first.

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


Thanks gents - I've got some Microscale liquid decal film so I'll try that on the next ones - I'll also try the sellotape trick Mike - hadn't thought of that  :)

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.